Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

and Moral Wórk. pel, in denying it them. Though he may freely give it theunworthy whenhepleafeth. 8 t. All the reft of the world whohave not the Gofpel, and the Co- The Race of thofe disc have nor the Gofpel. venom ofGrace inthe loft Edition, are left by Chrift in as good a fláte (at lean, if not better) thanhefound themàt hisIncarnation. He took away no mercy from them, which theyhad. 82. Therefore; as it is before proved that before Chriffs time, none. of zuingliu's Opinionof of theworld were left defperate, under the meer violated Covenant of t ensaIname, of Hea- Innocency, but that the tenor ofthat New Covenant, as madeto Adaní Thtfeac,Sotrates,Arißides, and Noah, extended to them all, fo are they (tilt under all the Grace of Anttgona,Nxma, Camilla, thatEdition of the Covenant, further than they are penally deprived of Vid,,n ,tacatoneextan itfor violating it. TheLawof Grace in thatfirft Edition is )(till inforce, Eeclef. t.Safì.4.e'rr Twif- and the Law by which the world fha11 begoverned and judged ; Theyam nacol orv:nnm,pág,. areall Poff'eflòrsof Mercy which leadeth to Repentance, and boned to ufe fOmn,uDtemp tempter, a e themeant afforded them inorder to Repentance and Salvation, and it is Juftam, it sonam, err' their fin that they do not : For which it is ultimately that they are con, `Remaneratorem fperantiam demised. Though wickednefs harden men againft the Law of Grace, r ef dentempienemari. that changethnotGods Law to them, but bringsthem under the penaltyì gem, job lege, fob gratis: Not that any are bound to expect a Chrift to cane, buttoperform the Nemini rectum (aprenti mania tßnd in dubium: commonConditionsof that Covenant before defcribed. 'fine ilia new) raptor; in- 83. Therefore no man is now condemned for Original Sin alone; s fl sac ad it is pardoned to no man, till he perform the conditipnof it, in crac, de na is curial. Pol. the pardoning Covenant. For God havingbrought all menunder terms Pe terRift. Cam ercoa- of mercy tending to recovery, they fhall be judged as they ufe that reco- veringmercy, according to that Law ofGrace which they are under, ,vet dEßemes aad na- tant a- whether of the firff or lair Edition. dais poll notan Chriftum ° 84. Theexception which force make of Infants is vain: Becaufe as mißt ungulares minrllros a far as God hath revealed his mindabout them to us, he efteemeth them (onait tame, vexdoctrine de Des patefaíia ntroq, and nfeth them as parts of their Parents and Owners, and if he condemn rempote t Hoc midi er them, it is not for Adam's fin only, but alto ultimately for their Parents adbut four, ut exaudiatur nuns etram a Tureis ¢r rejeçlion of recovering Grace, and not devoting them to God in his Cove- nant. And though God will not condemn the Children for the.Parents quaameaufir tórdra gra- fins that is, when they themfelves repent and turn to God. But theScrip- ante chrißum Eth,iti : ture is molt plain and frequent in expreffing our guilt ofour nearer Pa- E quibas innameri ex on- rents fins againft Grace, which is apart of our Original sin : and ought nemgenvbaa (garanehr not to befo flighted as ufually it is. However, s. It is an incredible am natant ludzi: Pau- Opinión, That God fhould ruleand judge all the ref%of theworld by a ciores ex his tornen. Law of Grace, and leave only poor Infantswithout any mercy, under the meer Lawof Innocency, and judge them onlyby another Law, than he dothall the world. 2. And it is the trick of a Deceiver to arguéab ignotiore, and carry his Caufe into the dark. And Infants Cafe is left to us in Scripture muchdarker than that of the adult. 85. Therefore it feemeth plain to me, that though Chrifi's Church be now incomparably happier than the :ewifh church was, (in magnitude, light, and grace, and excellency of priviledges,) far above all the reft ofthe world, and foexcelled' the Rate of Heathens far more than the jewifh Church, excelled them; Yet the reft of the world ftand now in much like relation to God and the Chriftian Church, as beforeChrift's. Incarnation they didtoGodand the jewifhChurch, whowere his pecu- liar (but nothisonly) people;the ftèdus peculiaritatis was theirsonly; but not fteden gratin : Soarewe much more, as á holy Nation, aroyal Prieft- hood to fraud nearer God than the reft of the world : But whether the Yens were all Gods people on Earth I have before difcufied, and proved thenegative. 86. But 47