Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

4.8 0f god's government, . 85. But certainly in no Nationunder Heaven, there is no coming to lieb. ri. 5, 6. God, or pleating him without Faith; nor feeing him without Holinefs; Heb. , a. r4. nor anyNamegiven underHeaven by which men can befaved, but,by Chrifi Rom. r a. nor. any Sanai cation bat b Chri s spirit norany coming to the Father A .8.9. % J` y P' Joh. r4.6. butby the Son ; nor anyPardon and Life but by a Covenant of Grace, and Joh. e. co, r r, 1Z. by the Merits and Purchafe of Chrill. But how fat he giveth this spirit andGrace wherehe is not known himfelfas Incarnate,is all thedifficulty : (As to Infants and Adult ). 86. Though God bath faid lefs to us of their cafe that hear not the Idefire the Reader to Gofpel, thanofBelievers and Unbelievers (privative, * that hear it ) perufe Gataker's Preface Decal= it lefs concerneth us to know -it, and to be bufe in judging to Antennas of the the Servants of another , yet in this point are mens confidence sroitks. and oppofition molt vehement. 0° On one fide fome fay, [ Before I f0 wouldbelieve that God hathPhut all the millions of the. Earth, from "Adam's days tillnow, fave a fewyews andchrfians, out of all, poffi- " bilityof Salvation, fo that they are left as the Devils without help, " hopeor means , and perifh Infants and all meerly becaufeGod will to have it fo, and that in everlaftingfire; I will eafilier believe that the " Gofpel is not true, as havingleft of Natureslight tocondernurne, than 6G for receiving rush thoughts of the infinitely Good and merciful as God. ] On the other fide, if I do but open the. undeniable Mercies ofGod to all, which all the world bath experience that they poffefs, and that Covenant of Grace which thewhole currentof Scripture proveth them under, force men that are fo very wife in their own eyes, as hardly to fufpe t any thing tobe anerror which they have long held, and that buildmuchof their Religion and Theological Reputation, in adhering tothe Opinionsofthofe whole communion they think molt honourèth them, and outof a blindzeal for that which they account Orthodox, will prefently without impartial confideration, or friendly debate, ma-. gifterially pats their judgment among thofe that reverence them, and backbite thofe that they cannot confute, and fay, [ to Such a man hold- "eth dangerous Opinions, that Infidels may be faved, ] and it's like falflyreprefent my words. When yet the fame menperhaps will main. tain that all the Eleaare fortified before they believe, and fo that Infidels, even privative, arejuflifzed, fo they be but elea : And this feemeth to them no injury to Chrift: fo powerful is prejudice, and pride, and partiality. 87. Thequeftionwhether any befides Chriftians are put intoapoffibi- Subit Pie terse jau nie(iea lit, Salvation is eafily and certainly refolved in the affirmative from i/tee them lets, affebtam me what is faid : But the queftion whether any or how many are aaually enfto)'no &ltnpore.'Le ax- faved, doth depend on the refolution of the queftion, whether any of at, fed horror nits, cam them are truly fanaified, that is, [do truly love God andHolinefs, above arcani Divini adoeiratione the Pleafures,. Profits andHonouri of this world.] For nothing is more vebementi/ma conjunitue, ferio apadme repatantem, certain in Gods Word, than that allthat dofo Ihall belayed : For a man guam longe in multis ab to live in Hell with the predominant love of God, is asgreat a contra- ea abfim quad de fe vir i/le, veri ad Platers per. ducentis,tramitis ignores, de fe prafstetar, nee gain vere es ingenuem, ambigi paffe videtur: at proinde er Marco &Epioteto al- rius ajfergens Hymnam Wilts vet maxims malorem er praftantierem decantare jugiter debeamGataker Prolog. ad Antoninum. Read the multitude of Tellimoniesof theVirtues of dntonine, colleted by Gatakerpull opera. Puit Marcus Antoninue, vir omnium virtutom e'rfanelitatevita.praeipuus, emteltiJq; eegesti. Sebaft. Munflet. Cofmogr. . Bonitatisac fapientienomine ab omnibus dam viveret in ea æ/Eimatione honoreq; habitue, qua neme unquam vel ante ipfam, vet quad novions poi! Om fnerit. Nanquam ita eoìifpirarunt Ieripeores, in tribuenda coiquam.quasunq, pocerantbonitatis, integrira. ris, innocentia, eupufvis deniq; titali and ethicos fpeciofgimi teftimenia: Celebrant it /am non twitam at prrneipem optimum, fed fimpliciter abfalate ut bominem optimum ex pnilofophum optimum omniumgaiunquam extiterrent. Eh; hocipfiva peculiars encomium, good ita pradicetur, citra exceptionem allam predicatur. Mer. Caufabon. Praf. in Vert Aug!, at coat. per Gataker. diétion,