Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

and Moral Work. Chrift fend many excellent Gifts of hisGrace, to thole that know him not asIncarnate. And when all the world is delivered into his hand, we have reafon to believe that the mercies which Philofophers; and all others in the world had, were communicated by him, (asthefecund Perlon, ' or Wifdom and Word undertakingmans Redemption, firft, and as the Word Incarnate after. ) 94., Thofe ancient Fathers of the Church, who lived near the Apo- ftles times, (asClew, Alex. &c.) who believed that tome without the Church were Paved, were never condemned for it as Heretícks, no not by thebufiecondemning Ages. SECT. VI. Of Vniv.erfal Redemption. 95. By what bath been faid, it appeareth how far Chrift may be faid to have died for. Certainly (de re) all that Chrift giveth to all, which is the fruitsfaf his Death, he procuredfor all by hisdeath : what- ever we fay of conditional Intentions, he certainly intended togive all that he giveth. But all thefe following particulars aregiven by Chrift, either toall, or to more than theEle&. r. The Humane Nature,common to all, is advanced and brought nigh to God, in Chrift's Incarnation. 2. Chrift's Sacrifice for Sin, and his perfe& HoIinefs, are fo farfatisfaCtory and meritorious for all men, as that they render Chrift ameet Obje& for that Faithin him which is com- manded men, and no man (hall be damned for want of the fatisfa&o- rinefsof Chrift's Sacrifice, or for want ofa Saviour to diefor him, and fulfil all Righteoufnefs, but only for the abufingor refufingof hisMercy. 3. Chrift's conqueft of the Devil and theWorld, hath made man's con- quells of them the more eafie or poffible. And his Vi&ory over Death and his Refurre&ion, hath procured a Refurre&ion to all the World. 4. All men are his subjells by obligation, ashe is the Redeemer, and fo areunder his healing, laving kind of Government. g. A clearer reve- lation of Life and Immortality , is made by him, even to thofe that perifh. And they have far greater helps than elfe they would have. had, to let their hearts on a better World. 6. Efpecially a Lawof Grace is made by Chrift for all the world ; (In the laft Edition to all Joh. i. ir,,% gr q, 4; , r 1. that hear the Gofpel, and in thefiat to all thereft.) By the Promife , r7 Joh8. , s, of which, as by an A&of Oblivion, or Inftrument of Donation, God bath Enaéted and Given a full Pardon of all Sin to all Mankind, with Reconciliation, Adoption, and Right to Chrift and Heaven; on con- dition of their acceptanceof it, as offered them. So that menare par- doned and juftifiedby that Inftrument or Gift, ifthey will believe, And will not unthankfully reje& their Mercies. 7. Apoftles and ordinary Minifters were appointed to preach this Gofpel to all the World, and Mach: rç, make the Offer of Chrift and Life toall menwithout exception. ß. The Mark i6. 16. executionof the violated Law of Innocency is forborn toall men, in the greateft part; Judgments kept offg and they kept out of Hell, whiletheyhave timeand means toprepare for their Salvation. 9. Many and great Mercies which fignifie Gods goodnefs, and lead towards Re- pentance, are given to all the world ; even mercies forfeited by fins againftthe LawofInnocency, and given by the Grace ofour Redeemer: Ii 2 ro. It