Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

Of god's Government; 1o. It is made all mens duty, to believe ( the Revelationmade to them ) to repent , to accept more mercy , and to leek their own Salvation. And fuch duty is not the fmalleft mercy. a1. He hath recorded his Word and -Grace in the holy Scriptures, which all are allowed to ufe for their good. He hathfilled his Doârine or Gofpei with fuch power- ful convincing Reafonsand Perfwafions, which have a tendency to con- Aa 14 vince men, and convert them. 12. He fecondeth his Word bymany 2.s. fuch Providences ( in his Works, hisMercies, his Affliaions asgreat- Rom. I. 19,2.1. ly tend towin mens Souls. 13. He lath left his excellent Example to Rom. _` the world, which greatly tendeth to mens Conviaion and Salvation. 14. He hath appointed feveral Church -Ordinances, whichare mercies to more than the Elea ; as is the vifible communion alto which they have with the Upright, and their examples, prayers, be. 15. To all thefe headdeth anobligation on all Chriftians, to do theirbelt to con- vert and lave all others. 16. And the Office of Magiftrates under Chrift, is appointed for thefe Paving ufes, to promote the Salvation of thepeople. 17. Death it felf is nowturned into a medicinal means, by the'profpea of it to convert and fave men. 18. Ufually Gods ,pati- tience alloweth men time of Repentance, and taketh them not at the firft denial , that they may confider and correct their former error, 19. Remedies are offered men fetcht from Satan andSin it fell. The Tempter ( by the malice of his temptations) oft deteaeth his own fraud and mens danger. Anatural enmity againfi Devils, and all that is known to be of them, is putinto all Mankind : AndSin batha fting to the Flefh it felf, and is made fuch a mifery to Sinners even in this life, as may much tend to alienate and deter them from it. And the world it felf is made fuch a palpable vanity, and fmart vexation, as tendeth to drive men to look out for a better, and not to love it above God. 20. Laftly, To all thefe means, there are certain internal motions, and ftrivings of the Spirit of Chrift, which he commonly vouchfafeth men in fome degree, and which irritate Confcience to do its office; and which if men will but fo far yield to as they can,have a tendency to their recovery. All thefe twenty forts of means andmercies Chrift giveth to aí1, or tomore than theElea. 96. It being certain de re that Chrift fo far died for all, as to pro- cure them all fuchBenefits as he giveth them, the queftion remainingis de nomine, whether it be a fit phrafe to fay that Chrift diedfor alt? And this is put out of queftion by the Scripture, which frequentlyufeth it-, as is proved by the fore-cited Texts. We may well fpeak as God ordinarilythere fpeaketh. 97. There are certain fruitsof Chrifi's death which are proper to the rota. t. 30, 31. Elea, (or thofe that are in a rate of Salvation ). As I. Grace even- Aft. =6. x8. wally effeaual working them to true Faith, Repentance and ConverPion. x Joh. 5. 11,12., 6. 2. Union with Chrift the Head, as histrue living members. 3. The EPh. a. ", 2.3 aaual for ivenefs of fin, as to thegrand fpiritualand the eternal punifh. gph =3. 17. ment, Rom. 4. 1. 7. d 8. 1. 33, 34- 4. Our aaual Reconciliation Art 5.31- & 13. 38, withGod, fo as to bebeloved as his peculiar people. s. Our Adopri- có1. 1. 13, Iç. on andRight to the heavenly Inheritance, Pfal. 4. 6. & 8.16, 57, 18.- Rom. 5. 1, &c. 6. TheSpirit of Chrift to dwell in us, and fanaifie us, by a habit of' Tic 3.5,6,7. Divine Love, Rom. 8. 9, 13. Gal. 4. 6. Col. 3. 10. 1 Pet- i. 16. b Pet. a. 3, 4 rcaI. so. 15. &46. 1. 2 Pet. 1.4. 1 Ph. 4: 15. , joh. 3. ç, 6. r Cor. 6. 19. Gal. 5.17, 58, 22. 2 Cor. 6. I. 7. Imployment in fincere holy acceptable Service, where Heb.1. 14. they and their duties are pleafing toGod, Heb. 1 t. 5, 6. 1 Pet. 2. 5, 9. 8. Accefs in prayer, with a promife ofbeing heard in all that's good for