Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

andé7Vl®rál Worko 53 for us ( G eafure, time and way, ) through Chrift, 7oh. 14. 13, 14. Heb. zo. 19, 20, 22. 9. Well-grounded hopes of Salvation and peaceof Confcience thereupon, Rom. $. 1, 253, 4, &c. ro. Spiritual communion with the Church-myfticalin Heaven and Earth, Heb. 12. 22, '3, 24. Eph. 2. 19, 20, 21, 22. I Car, 3.22. z I. A fpecial intereft in Chrift's Interceffion with the Father, Rom. 8. 32, 33, &c. 12. Refur- reûion unto Life, and Juftification in Judgment; Glorification of the Soul at Death , and of the Body at the Refurrection, Phil. 3. 20, 2 z. 2 Cor. 5. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Rom. 8. 17, 18, 30, 32, 35, 36, 37, &c. All there Benefits Chrift hath made a conditional Deed of Gift to all the world : But only the Elea accept them, and pojJefs them. From whence we certainly infer, that Chrift neverabfGlutely intendedordecreed that his death fhould eventuallyput all men inpoffeffionofthefe Benefits: And yet that he did intend and decree that by his death all men fhould have a conditional Gift of them. ( As Dr. Twiffe doth frequently affert. ) 98: Chrift thereforediedfor all, but not for all equally , or with the fame intent, defign or purpofe : So that thecafe ofdifference in the matter of Redemption, is refolved into thatofPredeffination ; and is butGods different Decrees about the effens of Redemption. 99. The particle [For ] when we queftion whether Chrift died [For] All is ambiguous 1. It may mean [ In the firi&t reprefentarion of the perins of all asfeveral, fo that they may be Paid to have died orfatisfied in and by him, ascivilly in their ownperins, thoughnot naturally]. And thus Chrift died notfor all, or forany man : which yet is in fome mens conceits, who thence fay that Chrift died not for all, becaufe he did not foperfonate all. 2. It may lignifie [ todie by theprocurement ofall mens fins, as the affumed promeritorious caufe. ] And thus Pare%s him- felf in his Irenicon faith, That the fins of all men lay on Chrift; and fo he diedfor all, that is, for all mensfins as the caufe of his death : And you may tell any wisked man, Thy fins killedChri.fl ( what-ever the deniers fay to excute °them ). 3. Or it meaneth, that Chrift diedfinal- ly for the good of all men. And that is true, as afore explained. He died for thegoodof all; but not equally 5 that is, not with the fame ab- folute Will, Decree or Intention of attaining their Salvation. too. But the conditional NewCovenant, withoutany difference in the tenor of it, doth equally give Chrift, Pardon and Life to all Mankind ( antecedently to mens reje `ring the offer) on conditionof acceptance. And Chrift equally fatisfied Gods iiftice for all the lapfed Race of Adam, fo far as to procure them this Gift or Covenant, and the other forefaii common mercies : But not equally as tohis Decree of the fuccefs : For there Election differenceth. sot. It is a thing fo contrary to the natureof Chriftianity, and the Spirit of Chrift inhis Saints, to extenuate Chrift's Merits, 'urchafe, Intereft or Honour, or robhimof his due, that doubtlefs fo many fincere Chriftians would never be guilty of fuch injurious extenuations, and narrowing of Chrift's fuccelles, but that they cannot reconcilefpecial Grace with univerfal, and miftakingly judge them inconfiftent : Nor durft opprobriou0y reproach his univerfal Grace, as they do, by calling it vain, lame, imperfeti, a mockery, &c. if the conceit of their defending Tome truthby it did not quiet and deceive their Confciences. Where- as indeeduniverfal Grace and fpecial, do as perfectly and harritonioufly confift, as Nature and Gracedo, and as thefoundationand the building, and as any generical and fpecifick Natures á And fo doth a general DeCrece