Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

54 Of Clod's Cove Decree, that [All whowill believe_ball be faved, and that thisPr mi be made to the world] with a fpecial Decree that [Paul_hall believer d be faved.] But on two accounts I parsby all the reftabout the extent ofRedemp. Lion," r. Becaufe I muft give you a fpecial Difputation or Tra&ate on that fubjeet. 2. Becaufe themolt Judicious ofEnglifh Divines (fo far as I can know them by their works) Bifhop Davenant hath faid fo much inhis twoPofthumous Differtation de Redempt. e Pr,edel'tinat. (Pub- billed out ofthehands ofBifhop Vfher) asmight fuffice to reconcile con- lenders on thefe two points, werenot men flothful in ftudying them or partial or incapable injudgingof there matters. SECT. VII. The Antecedent andconfequent Willofgod, &c. TO2. The diftin&ionofGods Antecedent and Confequent Will, ufed byDarnafcene, is by many applyed to this controverfie, but by none that I have read fuflciently explained, which is the caul that to many good men reje& it, becaufe theymifunderftand it. It's truly Paid, that by his Antecedent Will, God would have all men to believe , repent and be faved, but by his Confequent Will, he will have all condemnedwhom he dothcondemn. But then it muff be underftood, that this diftin&ion is not applyed to theWill ofGod, as he is meerly anAbfoluteProprietary, or enefactor, but as he is theKing orKeller of theworld ; and fo his Le- gifiation is his Antecedent Will, andhis judgment is his Confequent Will. And no manofReligion candeny, either that Gods Law is the fignifi- cation of his Will, or his Willfignifyed, or that his judgment and Exe- cution is his Will declared ; or that Gods Law of Grace doth conditio- nally givepardon and falvation toall, antecedently toman's performance orreje&ion of the condition, or that God conilemneth Infidels confe- quently to their Infidelity. The LawAntecedently toMans part ailed, faith, Hethat believeth_hall befaced; and the sentence confequently to his fa&, faith , /ache an unbeliever or impenitent, (hallperifh. And thus the diftinlionhathnodoubt ordifficulty. 103. God by commanding faith and repentance, and making them necef'ary conditions of Juftification , and by commanding perfeverance, and threatning the Juftified and Sanitified with damnation if they fall away ; and makingperfeverance a condition of salvation , doth thereby providea convenient means for theperformance of his own Decree, of givingFaith andRepentanceandperfeverance to hisEleaFor he effeeteth hisends byfuitable moral means ; and filch is this Law and Covenant, to provokçnian to due fear, and care and obedience, that he may be wroughton asa man. of Jufification by 104. To be juftifyed by Faith in general, agreeth to the agesbefore Faith, Pac. Chrift's Incarnation, and thofe fence : But fo doth not the fpecial kind offaith by which they are juftifyed. For much more is Effential to that faith whichwe mutt be juftifyed by to them that are under the laft editionof theCovenant ofGrace, than was (or is) to them that were under the firft alone. Abraham believed not all our effential Articles of faith. to5. To