Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

andeiloral Works: 55. ups. To be juftified by faith in Paul's fence, is all one as to be jufti- rvha; that Faith is= fled by becoming Chr ians, To be a Believer, a Difciple, and à chrifiian are all one in the Gofpel fence. io6. The faith by which we arejuftified, as is aförefaid, is belt un- The ControVerfie be- derftood by the Baptifmal Covenant, and is efleritially a B- elieving Fidu- Saboutjn4atriaon cialconfent to our Covenant relationto God theFather, Son, and Holy agitated is vain, tin we Ghoft,as our Reconciled Creator and Father,ourSaviour and our San ti- worn°CI ftifi at onand fyer,connoting the forfaking ofall inconfiftents. For it mutt needs be the eemireon]. As I faid fame faith by which we have right to thebenefits ofthat Covenant, and ly juftihcätionkfor à by which we arejuflified; becaufe we have our remiffion and juftification áe alwétivelchange(fuch by the Inftrumental donation of the Covenant, it being oneof the be- a¡ón e bca iìemnìïon bf nefitsgivenby it : But Pratlical Faith, or Believing- confent is our condi- Sin j for,they Know not tion ofreceiving our Covenant rightto all thebenefits in general g there- t then llv s ç oft fore to Jullificatíon inparticular. were a putting away 107. The Phrafes of [Yis lifyiñg faith] and [Faithjuflifying us] are the Sin im its efïpnce humane andnot Scriptural at all : And though they may be well ufed nothingabuttiteH bit; with explicatory caution, asbeing well meant, yet theyaremore lyabje for the fart cannot be tomiflead men, than the Scripture phrafe,that [we arejuftified by Faith]; totake it farhem ti g Becaufe the former phrafes are apter to infinuate an Efficiency , than the the punilbh,entalfowits, other ; whereas faith is no efficient caul ofour Dullifrcation nor anyother mu4 lainly iinalderÿ aft of Man : And the Scripture that fpeaketh of Juftification by Faith r x3.1. t. and . 567££. fometime ufeth the phrafe ,íß.a which no more fignifyeth any Inftru- sanh;thaébla t R atof mental efficiencyofJuftification, than ae mot tip. ex operibus: And though culpæ; At efle longe a- fometime ea okota be ufed, it is tofignifie nomore than that God hathap- ni; PamNoámtlind p m pointed it tobe theMedium ofour Juftification as a condition, but not as facit Huminem non panini, an efficientcaufe. fed etiam non ire Pcena to8. The Faithby which weare juftified (as I touched before) hath Pgnomin am étiara re God the Fatherfor its objeû as effentially as Chrift the Saviour; as the c¡pi, thoughyet no man faid Baptifmal Covenant fheweth; and that not only fecondarily as Depamrias neq liimicnc Chrift beingthe Mediatorand way to the Father,our faith in Chrift con- yet cogitations poffunt le- noteth the final objeEt S but altodirectly and primarily as the Father is ??: e rcatnterm- thefirft in Trinity, and as Creator firft related to us, and as theend is putare y boc non acctptas firft inour intention : yob. 17.3. This is life eternal to know thee theonly,. eflpe often', fedamper true God, andyefusChrifiwhom thou baflfent. Joh. 13. I. Let notyour RemijponemDeatanim- hearts be troubled, you believe in God, believe alfa inme. pitance etgaalinon fairer. Bou ma fee log. Andas effential is it to this Faith to believe in Chrift as the hat tthefe Papiftshold Purchafer of Holinefs and Heaven, as to believe in him as thepurchafer the fame with thofe Pro- ofpardon5and to believe in him as theTeacher and Ruler of the Church, mote co slit a d cannno as tobelieve in him as the juftifyer ofbelievers. Theinfeparablenefs of hide it t But, r. It will be true to eternity that there a&s is commonly confeffed. Peter finned. _. To fay I so. Indeed it is effential to this faith, I. To be theaáof the three fo, is to blame him.3 His effential faculties of man's Soul the Vital Power, the IntelleEl and the flaw endheenatúa of Will, 2. And tohavefor its objeû God the Father, Son andHoly Ghofl ; fin pall arc ills fame and that in Chrift, all that is effential to him as a Saviour be its objeEt : after pardon as before. 5. God doh not change And therefore, I. That it bean Afent, Content and prallical Affiance, hismind of fin. 6. Gods 2. That it bea believing in Chrift as God and Man, and as theTeacher, offence or difpleafsre is Erie (1 andKing oftheChurch,revealing the Gofpel,reconcilingus toGod, but his elfence aas dent, an Ruling us inorder toSalvation. mimed fromthe objeft, I t I. To fay that force one only ofthefe partsofChrift'soffice, as they rob[his tli pun fh] are Conceptusinadequati ofa Saviour is the only objeft of juflifying,7 For Godtoheapuea- faith and to fa that juftif in faith is only one Ali ofthe Soul, or man fed and no more offer,- a yo J' g y o y ded, is but his Nalíe p,- Hire percatoem, and not tobeobliged in Ju(t¡ce to punifh him, but by his Covenant related .to him as one that will not pnhifh. b. This change is in the (inner becoming not punilhable ; 9. That ¡s, not worthy of itin the Gofpel-fence,though worthy by the Law ofInno- cency. t o. All this is but that theReatas pane esr cntpe gaarttam adpuaam is rèmitted,but not theReatua cnlpe fimplicúer in [e--- And titas we areall agreed. a/`ts