Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

Of god's government, ads ofone only faculty, or to fay that we are juftified only by fuch a one, and that to expel to be juftified byAffent, Confentand Affiance, or by believing in Chrift asour Teacher and Ruler as well as Priefl, and as a juftifying Judg, as well as a JuftifyingSacrifice, and as a fulfillerof the Law, is toexped juftification by Works, as Pauldenyeth its This is vaindiftinguithing, a falfifying theDoctrineof faith andjuftification,a departing from the Scripturefamplicity by corrupting Teeming fubtility, and oneof thofe humane inventions which have wronged the Church. And it is no wifer than to fay, that when we (peak of takingor receiving a Man to be a Husband, a Phyfician, a King, it is but one phyfical aft of the Soul, that is meant, or aboutone onlyphyfical conception in the object, which is inadequate: Whereasall fuch Moral orCivil ads con- tain many phyfical ads, andare fuited toall things in the object which are eflèntial to it in its moral orcivil nature or relation. 1 t 2. And it is but the fame deluding fubtility, and vain curiofity, or a playingwith deceitful words , to fay that we are jutlified by faith, Quatenus recipit Chrifti'uftitiam, As it believeth inChrift's sacrificeand perfetf obedience only, and nor, As it believeth in him as Teacher, Ruler, Sanctifier, Judg, or as he intercedeth for us in Heaven, &c. when the Scripture faith nofuch thing at all, but limply maketh faith in Chrill(lup- poriing. FaithinGod the Father) to be that by whichwe mull be juftified. 113. This diftindionis founded in another falfhood fuppofed, which is that the effects of all Chrift's Paving works areas diftindly to be afcri- bed to feveral Receiving Ails offaith,as they are to the feveral procuring ails of Chrift, the object offaith, which is another corruptingaddition toGod's Word. Onepart of the work of our Salvationwas done by Chrift's humiliation, and another by him in his exaltation: one by his overcoming the Devil, and another by his overcoming the World 3 one byhis Crofs, anotherby hisGrave, another by his Refurreetion, another by his afcenfion, another by his making the newCovenant, another by his fending the Spirit, another byhis fending the Apoftles, another by his intercefbon in Heaven, , another will be done by ourRefurreetion, andanother by his lait Judgment , and our Glorification; one by him as an obeyingfisbjeil, another as aSacrifice for fin, many by him as a Pro- phet, many as a Prieft and many as a Kingand Judge : But to fay there- fore that our ads of faith as Receptive have as various refpeets to the effectsor benefits, and that we are juftifiedby him only as we believe in him as Righteous, or a Jufiifyer, and that we areadopted as we believe in him in another re[ped, and fandifyed as we believe in him in another refpect , &c. thefe are the dreams of corrupting cu- riofity. For that Chrift who by all thefe feveral works, hath doneall theoffice of a Redeemer to procure- thefe feveral effects, is preached andoilered to us to beentirely asfuchaRedeemer,believedin and received, and upon the condition of fuch an entirefaith only, Chrift and all theft benefitsconjunîfly are by oneCovenant givenus, and no otherwife. And believing in Chrift asChriil, whoby all thole ads hath himfelf procured us this Covenant, and thefe gifts, is that by whichwe are juftified as it is one undivided faith And the quatenushere as toChrift's own procure- ment of the effects bath its place, but as to the Ad of our faith, and Chrift as the object conftituting that faith, there is no fuch diverfity or order to be feigned, as if the feveral effefìs were accordingly to beafcri- bed to our leverai Believingsor Receiving ads. 114. The ambiguityof the very word [Receiving] hath drawn many into this error :Receiving fignifyeth fometimesa Phyfical reception, which is