Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

58 OfCod's government, ryinghim in thenotion or thought of his wifdom or goodnefr. On her part, it was not confentto be Rich by him that gave her right to his Riches, and content to be Noble by him that gave her right to No bility ; but confent (Emply to be his Wife that gave her right toall. z i 7. This is yet fullyer evident in that molt ufuallymen make con- fent to one thing to be the condition of their Receiving or Right to another. And ufually that which one is moti backward to, is made the conditionof their Right to that which they are mockforward or wil- ling to have. TheMailer dothnot fay, If thou wilt have thy wages, thou (halt have right to it : But if thou wilt domy work, thou (halt have thywages. The conditionofMarriage is conjugal Love and fide- lity : q. cl. I will be thy Husband, and give thee right to all that I have, if thouwilt beand do whatis eflemial to a Wife] and not [if thouwilt have myRiches, &c.] If a Father give a Child a free gift on any con- dition, it will likely"be [If thou wilt bea thankful and obedient Child and not [Ifthouwilt have it.] Or if meer confent tohave it, be put, it is ufually when it is fome gift which it is fuppofed that the-perfon is not very willing to have: [As if a Sick man will have Phyfick, ifan un- godly man will have Teaching, Books or Godlinefs it felf] But to this ufually they are induced by the Promife of fomewhat elfe which they are willing of: As to the Sick [Ifthou wilttake this Phyfick, thou (halt have health.] Tothe ungodly [If thou wilt have Chrift and ballad's, thou (halthave pardon and happinefs.] Now in the fence ofPhyfical Receiving [He thatreceiveth Phyfick, hath Phyfick] and [He that re- ceiveth health, bath health] &c. Butin the moral fence ofReceiving, which is Accepting as it is the condition ofa gift, fo [He that receiveth the Phyfick ¡hall have the health] and [He that receiveth Chr andhis fanllifying spirit, (hall have pardon, yuflifscation, and Salvation] Not that his willingnefs to have [pardon and happinefr] is the chief or only conditionof his [pardonand happinefs.] But his Accepting Chrifi and hisspirit whichmenare naturally unwilling of; is the conditionof that [pardon andhappinefs] which men.would have. By all which it appeareththat to fay, [FaithjuJiifyethme as itis the Receiving of Chrs Righteoufnefs, and not as it is the Receivingof Chrifi as a Teacher, Ruler, &c.] is aconfounding orfeducing faying. For, r. If it intimate that Faith yuflifyeth us as an efficient caufe [principal or * tinlefs by Juftifying Instrumental] it is falfe.* 2. Ifit mean that [Faith is the Condition of they mean the a8s of yqu i acation q uatenus e as it receiveth Chrifis Righteoufnefs only,] it hath Love, Hope, Obedience J,f called nAntft. either one or two falfhoods. a. Ifitmean that Faiths receiving all, is the formalis ratio Conditions, or that it juftifyeth not qua conditio donatio- nis, but qua Receptio 7ufliti e Chrifli, it is falfe. Thereforequa here can lignifienothing but the Aptitude of faith to bemade the condition, and fo .,Qua &Xme here are allone : 2 . And then that [only the Accepting ofRighteoufnefs juJlifyethus, that is, is the conditionofour ju.ffification] is afallhood. r 18. Therefore our confent tobe a Holy and obedient people, orto take Chrift for our Teacher, Exemplar, Ruler, San tifier by his Word and Spirit, and Judge, hath at leali as great a hand in our juftílcation, (be- ing principally the condition ofthePromife) as our belief inour accep- tance ofChrift's Righteoufnefs hath. SECT.