Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

and c 5Vloral Worn. SEÇ.T. VIII. Ofiuftifácation byChrigs Righteoufnefs, imputed. I19. Chri.ffs perfonal Righteoufnefs, Divine orHumane, habitual , a° How little the P9pifts differ from the Imputa. dive or pave (as it's called) isnot givenus or madeours, trulyand pro- tion which they quarrel perly in the thing it but in the darts (as was aforefaid) för neither wich. see in Bell". the fame matter; nor the fame form is ftridly ours. 1. That neither ved yDeapveen and elk of them is ours in a phyfical fenceis undeniable. If the Divine Righte- Abed!. Pet. 4 i.4o,o; oufnefswere fo ours, we wereCods. And a Habit , an Aft, and a Paf faun, [obj. 8eeeatam re-. flan (materially) cannot be removed from one fubjett to another, nor mini Son poteß gsamdiee the fame be indivers fubje&s: Thefe are as palpable contradictions as Homo manee couaver ad ireataram ér verfusf a Tranfubftantiation is. And the Relative form is fotnded in the matter Dee : At lemper aeer¡te, or fubjed, and can nomore be removed. The paternity of a Gene- Refp es e t macatrn. rotor, and thepaternity of an Adopter, are not thefame, buttwo. And cornmoralem,go por(otam a Relation is an accident, alto which perifheth when removed from the Dei tondesattonem herd potelle vt jamhomo not di- fubjed ; and inanother is another. 2. If it be Paid that both are ours rotor aver ¡s a Deo, Morally or Imputatively, Ianfwer, "It is true : But that phrafe is oflarge á disA° "Ásmf Gd and doubtful fignification. a. If the meaning be that (The Covenant callel Hoc him aver¡e of Grace doth ascertainly pardon orjufiifie us (in the way and degree who is really averle) promifed by it) for the merit of Chrifts Righteoufnefs ( in performing tof fineaaatau hbita his Mediatorial Covenant with the Father) as our own merit (had it -P-pet ¡Dram rmparárionem been pofliible ) would havedone; or our Innocency would have juftifyed orntengám aß h ic.xæor us by the Covenant of Innocency] this is true. ''bogai de faEtq dá non de 2:. But if the meaning be that [Chr imerit andfatisfanion , . byper- npot ttrveerpCott rempi: feet holinefs, andobedience , and fufering, arefrippofed or Reputed by God nor de popibili er de very to have been inherent in us, or done by anin our civil perfon in Chriú; or remiffione qaa peccatori that in a fince natural or hegtil we did all thofe things our films , or cafeistnreedand rang that Godjndgeth usfo to have done , by yxdging Chrß and us to be the lens deceive themfelves. fame civilperfon ; or elfe that all theBenefts ofChrifis Righteoufnefs fha/l fainnor depeffibi he a d asfully and immediately be.ours, cisifwehadbeen, anddone, andfuffered, they hold it de pofabiti meritedand fatisfyed in and by Chrift ; All this is fall. that not de pardon adz: bare and 1120. For if this were fo, we could need nopardon ; for he that is re- non-imputation may put puted to be Innocent, by fulfilling all the Law , is reputed never to away the very being of fin, and may rave men. have finned, by omion or commifìon : And he an have no pardon of which átoie afrer- offn, who bath no fin to be pardoned. Therefore fuch an Impu- wards. wIdust'many othersdenÿ tation;of Chrifts Righteoufnefs to us, would make his fatisfafíion null that fin can be remitted or vain, or certainly neither imputable to us, nor ufefial for us. by eactrinfsck condom- 121. Some toavoid this dodivide the Time of our Lives, andCup- he zz. cez. TI ey á pole Chrifis fufferings to have fa tisfied and purchafed pardon of our rarilytakeóemblionfo- fins, for all the lime before our Believing, and his Righteoufnefs to be frif ing the fin ié imputed to us for theTime (rice ourBelieving : But this is a humane fi- tion : For our fins after believing muff have pardon too, by Chrift's fatisfaâion. And fome diftinguilh of our Time and State under the two Covenants, and fay that Chrift's fatisfallion was for the pardon of our fins under the ftrli Covenant, which continued but till the promife made tó Adam, Gèn. 3. 15. And fowas for none but Adam'sfnimputed to us ; and that after that all beingunder the newCovenant, it condemnethnonebut the finally impenitent (whafcape not) and fo that Godspardoning men (rote the newCovenant is but his preventing their needofpardon, or elfepar- doning temporalpunifhments only : But this is contrary to the Gofpel, I a which