Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

and ( oral Works. 63 Chrift and us 5 nor is it thefame Habits, or Ads, which are the immedí ate fundamentum of the Relation of righteous in Chrift and in us thoughhis Righteoufnefs be the meritorious cauteof ours. And there- forenot the fame with the thing merited. 130. The Truth which they grope after, and mutt reconcile them all, is as followeth. thrift in his Sufferings did hand in the room of Sinners as their Sponfor, and fatisfied Jutticeaswas laid before : And God had other ends yet to accomplifh : It was meet that the perfection of his Law fhould be glorified by a perfect fulfilling of it by thrift, when we had failed. Satan was hereby confounded : God pleafed and honoured : Man fhewed what he fhould have been, and yet fhould do : Mans nature in thrift was thusactively andhabitually perfected : By all this thrift performed his Obedience to the mediatorial Law , and his xerveus Natal. gaodtib. 4, Covenant ofRedemption 5 and fo acquired a right firft to himfelf ofgiving much better than many out thepurcbafedBenefits toSinners,by a newLaw orCovenant of Grace Prote/anti. [ síext me- and according to it 5 By which Covenant, only as his In(trument, the aOm gheueezercuit nnon ad Fatherand Son give us Right to them, in an Order there eftablifhed. eranfit in arias ; :ranfir All that is theregiven tous, Chrift purchafed forus, by performing his ¿en anitltos meriti ;ids own Covenant fir(t with the Father, byperfect Holinefs, andObedience, qui applrtantur ad chri- even in his Sacrifice on the Crofs, andby all that he undertook to do as man ismdo ntibo S Sacra. a Redeeme,r, antecedently. The Purchafe was madefor this Donation propria ; of gxidem cf- as its end, and is commenfurate to it : juft fo much as Chrift hathgiven Pala it Gr tt u' qxQ us, as tomatter, manner, terms, degree, time, &c. he did purchafe and ci hominem dignum merit for us, and no more. Had he antecedently done all that he did vita sterna: Ica eeíam in our perfon and we in him, in Law fnt the thing it felt with Its demorituraAds, lgieunen 0 0 s Iran eat in alias uantum infeparable con fquents andeffelfs, had been all ours ipfo fallo, beforeand ad alum gaem morcxit, without the donation or conveyance ofa new Lawor Covenant nor `amen crap ¡t quoadlief; WV, txlpa arigínalrs, had they been ever given us upon terms andconditions, when they were qua ell contraria gratis, our own before, without thofe terms. But now what is given us by the aternaddot indignumvita New Covenant, we have title to on this account, becaufe it was pur- sterna. How doth this chafed by the perfei Merit and Saerifice. of thrift, and fo given us by differ from the Mundell Prote(lants as to the im- him, and by the Father. Sothat it is ours asPure as ifwe had merited it pucation of cndlYa our felves, but not ours in the fame order, and meafure, and time, and Righreoufnefs to us, or terms , as if we had merited it our felves (inour naturalor legal per- Adam's fin. fops ). For then it would have been all ours at once ipfe fallo, even ,,the merit it Pelf, and the fore-laid efegs. We deferved puni(hment, andthrift was puni(hed in our ftead, that we might be forgiven 5 not immediately, but on Covenant -terms : wehad forfeited Life by fin 5 And Chrift merited Life for us by his Perfection, ( not in our perfons, but in the perfon of a Mediator,) whichLife was to be given to us by the faid Covenant: The antecedent benefits ( fuch as the Covenant it felf) he givethiabfolutely, and antecedently to any all of ours. God reputeth all this Satisfaltion and Merit of thrift to be as meet and effectual to pro- cure us all thefe Benefits,to be thusgiven,as if we our felves had done and fufhered : And in this fenfe drift'sRighteoufnefs isgivenus,and made ours, in that it isgiven for us, and we have the Paid benefits of it : Not that God doth give us thevery habits ofHolinefs which were in Chrift, nor the tranfent alls which he performed, nor the very Sufferings which he underwent, nor the Relationof righteous fatisfallory andmeritorious, as if was that numerical Relationwhich immediately refulted from thrift's own Habits, Ads and Sufferings 5 For fuch a tranflation of accidents is a contradiction. But God giving us all theeffèlls, or Salvation merited, in it fclf properly, is laid allò not unfitly togive us the Merit or Righte- otfnef which procured them 5 that is, as it was paid to God for us, to pro-