Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

and Moral 1/Y4. accordingly t6 the PutchafeofChrift's Merits. But yet both his Floli nefs and su f rings ( though not asfufferings) did merit it :. And thatwas notafulfilling of the Lam in our(lead. 135. This fuperaddedGift,( what-everit is ) feemeth in Scripture to be includedin Adoption, andnot in jollification: But. yet it may in this fenfe be called juf#ification, in that hen our Right tó that Gift is qúeftioned, that Right mutt be juftified by the Covenant-Donation, and byChrift's meritorious Purchafé of it. But this is only de nomine: We areagreed of the thing. 136. It is greatly tobe noted, that asa Reward is in the formal notion morethan not punifhing (where materiallytheyare the fame). fo Chrift bath notat all merited thateternal Life should beburs, by way of Reward for our fulfilling the Law in him, bit that it fhould ours by his free Gift, as a Reward to Chriff for his own Merits. So that the Relation of a Re- ward for Perfeáfion, belongeth only formally toChrifi, (who taketh it as his benefit that we are faved through his love to Souls ) but not at all to us. And to fay ( as too manyhold ) that. Heaven is our Reward for our perfeftionof Holinefs and Obedience in and by Chrift, is a Humane Invention , fubverting Chrift's Gofpel ; or unfit fpeechy if better meant. 137. Yet a Reward it is to us, tobe glorified; but that is not for our fulfilling the Lawof Innocency by Chrift, but for our believing in Chrift, andperforming the conditions of the Covenant of Grace : which giveth us Life as afree Gift; but yetin theorder of the condition ithath the re- lation, andname of a Reward tous, in theScripture. , . 138. .So that here are three rewardingCovenants before us : I. The Covenant or Lawof Innocency rewarding man for perfection to the end ; And this rewarded nonebut Chrift : And it isfalfe that wearerewarded by that Covenant, or juftified by it, for Chrifl's fulfilling. it. But it All the ifir of the Pa= juftified Chrift. 2.. The Law or Covenantmade only to andwith Chriff pifit is to prove that we have t -, the Mediator : And this Covenant further rewardedChriff as Mediator, oufnefs inheren as well as Rig parhte . givinghim all that it prpmifed to himfelf andus, for his performing the adon,s whit ferratehey. mediatorial conditions. And fo our Life is Chrift's Reward. 3. The The reR is de nomine Covenant or Law of Grace ( for it is the fame thing in feveral refpeíts jaftificationit, tOalder. r., that's called the Lawand the Covenant) , which giving Life onthe con- aap fors :Cor. P. 570z; ditionof Faith,doth juftifie and rewardBelievers. And we are juftified aliadvolt gram Chrilfs s and rewarded by no other Law. ant notions debebarar ¡. y plicium, fawnAire -be 139 When Rom. 4. oft faith ( and other Texts) that we arejeiflified Ilion pro tetra potato; by Faith, it connoteth and includeth that we are juftified by Chrift and ut nos qut spudDram nibet merebamar, prefer ¡appli- his Sacrifice, Merits and Covenant refpeétively, believed in r But yet it eiam, jaltitia Dei feremni is not Chri fl, nor his sacrifice, or Merits, or Promifethat is meant by the in ip/f'opéeiögratis se word Faith.] It was a grofs abufe of the Text fo toexpound it : Faith remar per ipftgs mercia io. connoteth the Object, but it is not Chrift that iscalled Faith. Miriam coramDee.] What cloth this 140. But the meaning is, that man having forfeited Life, Chrifi's DoBrine differ therRefor- Righteoufnefs ( habitual, active and pafffve,) bath merited, that it Ihall med Churches. be givenus as a free Gift, but yet regularly under a Law : But the Law iredi a eo ca ft a juries per nnius obedienti- am fignifeatur ewe /a meritoria, non ante* formalist And fo fay we : But Tome call Chrift's Righteoufnefs the casts materialis , meaning no more but that it is the matter of that Merit , for which we are juftified ; As if Adam had perfealy fulfilled the Law, his fulfilling it, hadbeen meritotious of his fentenrial Jollification, and yet the matter of his cobi:Bturive Juftification ; that is, of his Righteoufnefs. And Come unaptly call it the formal caufe : But an unapt logical notion is not an error in Faith or Theology. Idem ib. p. 573, .P amvis ex amino rigida ja/itia Plot Chrigust Dominus farisfaciat ; de condigne tomen , its ut mercer operi bono debeatur pe/i Dei promifonem, mentor js{tus corona* jaftiia gaam redder in ills die Our javle.x : Ért nogra jalitia rota , toteso merito*, Iota fatiefatiie dependent á Merite it fatietattïene CIrifii. Still' here is a wordy Contra. ferfie. tnaketh