Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

68 Of god's government, Sin hathpunifhment threatened by the santlion, and no pardon given by the Promife : And fo Sin is in two fentes all() againft the Paid sanEtion: that is, I. When it is fuch a Sin as the Promifegiveth no pardon to con- ditionally , And fuch as the commination peremptority cóndemneth the Sinnerfor to remedilefs mifery. And this Sin is thefinal non-perfor- mance of the Gofpel-Condition ( Faith and Repentance ). And fuch only arefully obliged to fuffer Hell by the comminationof the Law of Grace : And for fuch SinChrift never died : not becaufe he never died for theperfon as toany other [in, or for any benefit, as fome teach : But be- caufe, 1.He refolved never to diefor thatfn it felf,(offinal Vnbelief,Impe- nitence and Vnholinefi.) 2. And becaufehe never died to fatisfiehis own Law ofGrace,and to take off its properfull obligation to final punifhment but only to fatisfie God inftead ofmans fufering what the Law ofWorks obliged himto. a. But there is alto a mediate or conditional duenefs of punifhment, according to the Lawof Grace : which is when a man by not believing and not-repenting at the prefent, and by neglecting and refifting Grace, doth fo far forfeit all Grace and Salvation, as that God may cut him off; and ca.fl him into Hell if he will; not having peremptorily faid, that he will do it; nor givenmen any affurance that he will not. This man is not immediately and fully under the duenefs of Hell fire, but on fuppofition that God fhould firf£ cut him of; and then his Impenitence would he final, which is the firft cafe : But this perfon is under all this guilt. a. Guiltyof punilhment not forgivenagainft theLawof Works. 2. He is fo far guilty of punifhment, according to the Law of Grace , as a. That no pardon is givenhim,or due tohim. 2. And Godmay juftly take awayhis Spirit and forfakehim. 3. And Godmay juftly cut himoff. 4. And if God fhould cuthim off, Hell will be his full immediatedue. Chrift not capable of 147. By this it further appeareth, that we cannot be juftified as per- our kind of Obedience. finally fulfilling all Righteonfnefs in Chr: Becaufe we are all our life time principally under thofe great Duties of the Law of Grace, which Chrift neither didnor could do for us. We are bound all ourdays to accept a Saviour, to accept pardon of Sin, and mortifying Grace, to confefs our Sins, to repent of them, and forrow for them ; to labour in the de of all Means and Ordinances to mortifie them; Todoall our duties as sinners, inthat manner as thofe mutt do that are in a Phyficians hands for Cure; To receiveandapply Chrift's Merits to that end ; to beghis Intercefiìon and daily pardon; To labour that imperfect Grace may beftrengthened : In a word, Sin, and a defire of healing, fo affe&all that theGofpel commandeth us, that Chrift was not capable of any of this. And ifall this was undone till our Converfion, and muchof it undone after our Converfion, and yet Chrift never did it for us, nor we inhim ; How can it be laid that we are juftifiedby fulfilling all the Law in andby Chr ? yea the Law of Nature Rill commandeth us, to obey theLawof Grace, fuppofingit made and revealed to us. the Idem or 7anrundem. 148. Thequeftion whether Chrift payed the gem or the tantundem, is henceallo more fully refolved : By payment is meant, either Hamel;or suffering. And 1. This fheweth that Chrift's Obedience wasnot materi- ally the tame withours (as aforefaid ). 2. And I before proved that a great, and the far greateft part of ourpunifhment was fuch as Chrift could . never fuller; either permitted Sin itfelf, or defertion by the Spirit of Holinefs, or divine difpleafnre and hatred, or accufations of Confcience, &c. 3. And the Law binding only the sinner, and not any surety to fuffr, and everymanperfonally to obey , molt clearly it is not Idemquod debetur,