Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

and 9%./lort2l IilYorks°; 69 debetur, were it but meerly hecaufe it is not ejufdem or per eundem. 149. Indeed folution of the Debt, and fatisfallion flritily taken thus differ, thatfatisfatlion isfolutio tantidem, nel equivalentis alias indebiti. And if Chrift be Paid to have paid the very fameduty and punifhment which the Law required, he is denied to have fatisfied for our non-pay- ment : For a Lam that is fully performed can require no more, nor the Lamgiver neither : And therefore both satisfa lion and Pardon are fbut out. z 5o. It is not properly the Lawwhich is fatisfied, but the Law-giver as above Law as is laid : But yet improperly the Law may be Paid to be fatisfied in that the ends oftheLaw-giver in it areobtained. 151. Though I owe much thanks to God for what, near thirty years ago, I learned fromGrotius defatisfalJ. yet I mutt fay that in this great queüton, whether Chriftfatisfied God for Sin as Domino abfoluto, vet litparti lrefa, vel nt Rellori, which he aflerteth alone, I take him to come fhort of accuratenefs and foundnef; And that this is the truth. God is toman, a. Dominus abfolutus, that is, our Owner. 2. Ream' fupremus. 3. Amiens , Benefatior : vet Pater & finis. Sin is against God in all thefe three Relations : z. Asour Owner, it is a denyinghim and alienatinghisown quoad ufum. 2. As Relier, it breakethhis Law. 3. As our Lover andEnd, it is a departing from him. For I. As our Owner, we owehim total rfgnation and life asfuch. 2. As ourRuler, we owe him subjelion andObedience as fuch. 3. As our Friend (Bene ailor &Ama- bilimus) we owe him Gratitude and Love as fuch (whichyet is part of obedience too.) NowSin being the privation of all this, God is to be fatisfied for it as fuch, in all thefe three Relations ; And is pars lefa in all thefe three Relations, thatis, he is injured, though not hurt. It is true, that Government andpunifhing Juftice, formally as fuch, belong to God only as Reltor. And fatirfallion is made him eminently in thatRe- lation; yet allo tocompenfate the injury done by fin tohim in the other two Relationsalfo. SECT. IX. Of the nature and di iinflions of yuflification. 152. Juftification is aword of many lignifications, the Schemewhere- And t. Of conaltutive of fhould I give themall, would teem to molt Readers a troublefome di- Juftification. ftinguifhing. Therefore I take up with thefe three molt notable fences. , The Papilla are con- I. JUlbification conflitutive : 2. Sentential: 3. Executive. founded in the point of The firít is tomake a man righteous ; The fecond is to judgehim righte- Juftification, by flicking NO ; The third is to safe as r eous. z. hii ht $ Zm unit Rd. * to confounding words f g y I p 2. ewar They talk of3e/tìficat:an and remiffion offit, but cannot tell men intelligibly what they mean. They fay that Remitlion is a putting away the fin it fell, and not only the Reatnm pene, and yet fay (many) that it may bedone without any phyfical change of the Sinner. t. By fin they mean, nor the Habit; for thatcannot be removedwithout a phyfical change. z Nor the ad For that is pall as Coon as done. g. When they fay it is macula mo'alis habitualiter remanerer ; they talk gibberifh and play with a metaphor, and the word [ habitualiter :1 A true habit isquad pbyIleum, and what macula is they can tell noman beftdes a habit, difpofition, privation or relation : If they mean that it is theReatus culpe, or culpability that isdone away, and not only the lesatws pots, they hold the fame thing which they oppofe in thofePrroteaants that go too far from them. And it is not found : For thepardoned Sin- ner will be culpable, though not punithable for ever ; that is, will be really the man that finned ; and it will be an ever- laßing truth, This man finned, though hebe pardoned : See Pet.aS. ja/epb, Thaet.Specular. I. 4. c. to, pag. 509, 5 t o, 5 tt The Papiltsfay, Homo eft formalizer ;ultra per formamgretie ipfi extrie(ecam, d7 non tantum per ;ultitiam cheihs r Ili impetatam And yet [ nitres .aClues quantumvisperfeitas gr.'sfit conrritiodiue Amor Dei Japer omnia,eR cau /a formalis ja/tifca[ionis : Pares di- nettescharnatem rffiperfedáam imftitiam, intelligendi tune di/poftive,non aureo formalizer. Becaufe it is in the Habit, and not in the Ad, ,r rather as othersof them fay in Come internal inclination antecedent to the habits ofFaith, Hope and Love, that they place Juß;ficaùon, or as wecall it, Sandification, Pet. a S. ,Jereph. The): uriv rf,e."egrar. Hab. pag. 88, 739. 553. God