Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

7o Of god's government, 153 God never judgeth a man righteous ( either by fecret efleem or openfentence) till he have madehim flick. 154. To be made righteous, is to be juilified in Law-fente; which is 7o bejuflifiable ( or juflificandus) byfentence. 155. A man is righteous, 1. Particularly, fecundum quid, as to fome particular caul that he is accufable of. 2. Or univerfally as to all caufes. 3. Or eminently , as to all thofe caufes that Heaven or Hell depend upon. 156. 1. No man is univerfally rightism , really or reputatively. God judgeth no Saint in Heaven to be one that never finned : And he that hathonce finned, is unavoidably under the Relation of one that finned, to eternity, ex neceffitate exiftentix : whichRelation is the very Reatusipjuspeccati; though all theillefrafsberemitted. 157. 2. Everyman hath fameparticular righteoufnef. For thewort} man may be fa/fly accufed, and be righteous as to thatfalfe accufation. But this will not fave him. 158. 3. That eminent Righteoufnefsneceffary to our Salvation, though it be not univerfal orperfebl (elfe we Shouldnever be aflic'edby chaftife- rnentsor denials of Grace, or permiflions to fin) ; yet is it at leaft per- fed as to its proper ufe, and to our glorious perfe&ion; And may be called our univerfal Righteoufnefs, becaufe it is all that we have. And it confifteth not of any one or two Caufes, but ofmany : Ofwhich no one mutt be excludedor fet againft thereff. As thereare feveralAllegations or Accufations againft us, fo there muff be feveral parts of the matter of our Juftification. t59. Not only an actual Accufation, but a poffible or a virtual one, which we are liable to, fufficeth to denominate yuflifecation as itscon- trary, in the firff Lamfenfe ofJuftification. 16o. It is our Right to Impunity, and to the heavenly Glory, which is to be juflified finally inJudgment; and ourperfons as theSubjelts ofthat Right : And our Aimions but mediately in order to that end. 161. It is only at the Bar ofChrift as Redeemer, that we are to be judged andjuflified, andnot by Godonly as aCreator. Therefore it isby the Lawof Grace that we mull be judged to life or death, finally, and not by the fate Law of Innocency. 162. Thereforeno man is juftified by theLaw of Innocency, either by the preceptive or retributivepart: But weare juffifiedbilly by the Law or Covenant of Grace , againft the Accufation which may be brought againft us fromthe Law of Innocency : Againff it ; not by it. 163. We are liable to all thefe following Accufations,which will open to us the correlate yuftifications, and the matter of each part. 1. It may be laid by the Acculer of theBrethren, [ Thou art a Sinner, againft the Precepts of Nature andGrace.] He that denieth this is a Lyar : Againft this Charge there is no yuilification for ever. But we muff in Heavenconfefs that we havefinned: but Glory be to him that wafted us from our f ns in hi ,r blood (byPardon and Sanitification, ) 164. 2. Next it may be Paid, that [ We did deferve Hell by our sin.] This alto is to beconfeffed for ever. 165. 3. It may befaid, that by Gods Law of Innocency Hell is our due, and therefore we are tobe condemned to it. To this, we deny the confequence 5 becaufewe have right to Impunity and to Glory, freely given us by God our Redeemer by a Covenant of Grace, meritedfor us, by the Obedience and Satisfalhion given for us by Chrift our saviour. Where note, that here in this firft part of our Juftification, there arc all thefe con-