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and (Mardi Works. conjunct neceffary Caufes. r. Gods Love and Mercygiving: 2. Chr't Righteoufùefs and satisfa5fion meriting. 3. The Covenant inffrumentally giving. 4. Right to ImpunityandGlory (by jufiification and Adoption conjunû) the thinggiven: which Right is our very Righteoufnefs againft thisAccufation; that is, a relation, whence the other relation of/off and juffifiable refulteth : (.For if youwill not here fee relationsrefultingfrom relations,pretend not to trueaccurateness in your fearch. ) r66. There four Causes now were enough to conftitute, and fo prove its righteous againft the Charge ofbeingdamnandi, if we were queftiona- ble no further. But the turning point of the day is yet behind ; r. Our allegation of Juttífication by Chrift and the Covenant may be denied. It may be faid by the Acculer, that the Covenant justifieth none but penitent Believers, and giveth plenary Rightto Glory to none but saints and perfevering Conquerors, and that we are none fuch. Againft this Ac- aufation we mutt be justified or perish; else all the reft will be un- effectual. And here to fay, that it is true, I died an impeninent Perfon, an Infidel, Hypocrite, or Vngodly, but Chrift was a penitent Believer for Of our own perfonal, performance, or righte. me, or sincereand holyfor me, or that hedied topardonthis,' all this will oulbefs, how far necef. be falle and vain. Chrift's Merits and Satisfaftion is not the Righte- fary to ourluftification. oufnefs it felf whichmuff juftifie us againfl this Accufation5 But our own perfönal Faith, Repentance, fncere-Holinefi andPerfeverance, 7 purchased by Chrift, and wrought bythe Spirit in us, but thence, our own ads. Mr. 0. Thomas or'ubl y, n his Book against He that cannot truly fay, The Accufation is false. Iam atrue Penitent, speed the.uaker, faith, fantlified perfevering Believer muff be condemned and peritb. Thus pag. 42. parr.:. [ This Faith and Repentance areour Righteoufnefs by which wemutt thus far m ¡°emd óf e;cto be justified. Ltrine of St. James x67. But this is but a particular mediate fubfrvient Righteoufnefs, in anám iayafá and part of our Justification, fubordinate toChrifts Merits. the Doftrineof St. Pout, 168. Yet this being the Condition on our part for our Participation áeúiá. j 8. whe y n foge in all the free Gifts of the Covenant; Scripture ufeth todefcribe Gods tiler , and afcr be to Judgment as enquiring after this. The great thing to be glorified in Paiththe ju(tifieationoe Judgmis Gods Love, Wi dom Vice andTruth, andChrift's great men as ¡piers, and to ent, .% J` shark their juttification Merits. and performance inour Redemption ; But the great thingque ilo- as Believers. ] This is ned, accufed, tried and judged will be our performance of the Covenant found, and needeth but % f fuller explication. of Grace as toour conditions: The day is not to try God whether he be juff, or Chrift, whether his Merits and satisfaction wereftf cient; and whether he have done his part : But totry man whether, r. He have trueRight to Impunity and Glory. 2. Whether he have performed the Condition on which the Covenant giveth that Right, and be indeed the 'true Receiver of it. The Devils hope cannot lie at all , in proving Chrifl or the Covenant faulty, or defet'Jive on their part; but in proving us to be none of the perlons that have Right. This therefore is the Righteoufnefsmentioned, Matth. 25. andofFaith imputed, Rom. 4,&c. andelse-where. r69. But if we will fpeak ofRighteoufnefs and 7uffification entirely, as that which containeth 41 its Caufes, wemuff fet all the five fore- mentioned together, givingeach one its properplace, and no one the placeoroffice of the rest. And give leave to the felf-conceited, pievifb, ignorant, blindly to revile you, forlaying thatyou joyn your Faith and Holiness tomake one Righteoufnefs with that of Christ, as if it werenot fufficient. And tell him, that Chrift's Righteoufnefs is notours abfolutely in it felf, but toand in the proper ,ells: And that it is perfect as to its proper ends ; And that he never intended it to this end, to be insteadof Faith and Holinefs inus, nor to makethem needless toour Salvation. a7ò. No