Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

Iwould here cire the words of Beaa, Farman, Dr. Field, Bonhaus, Bal- linger, Alberius, Zanchy, Épinas , Spangerbe giut, Brentiue, Confefr.. Augu- flan. &c. Affecting that On/Illation] is oft ufed as Solidification inScrip- tute, and that plenary Jufification bath three parts, t. Pardon. z. Ac- cepting us into favour and life. 3. The gift of the Holy Ghoft , or in- herentrighteoufnefs] but that Gail. Farber bath largely done ir. Confrd. Pacific. z Thef. r. 9, to. 0.f' god's government, 18 L. All the Righteoufnefr which formally juffifieth us, is our own or on our felves where it juftifyeth us : For to bemadejuftorjuflified in the fiat fence conflitutively, is nothing elfe but to be made fuch as are per- fonally . themfelves pet. Pardonoffin is madeour own ; Right toChrift and Glory is made our own ; Though Chrifl'sRighteonfnefs was the old meritorious caufe of all this; which therefore is and may be called on); Material Righteoufnefs, as that whichmeriteth it is the matter. 182. He that is no caul of anygood work, is noChrfian, but adam- nable wretch, and worf'e than any wicked man I know in the world: And he that is a Caufe of it, mutt not bedenyedfalfly tobe a caufe ofit: Nor a Saint denyed to be a Saint, upon a falfe pretence of felf- denyal. . 183. AsGod is feen here in the Glafsof his works, fo he is to be loved and praifed as fo appearing : Therefore he that dithonoureth his work dithonourethGod, andhindereth his due love and praife 5 And his molt lovelyand honourable workon earth, is his holy Image onhis Saints: And as Chrift will come tobe admired and glorified in them at Taff, fo God mutt be lien andglorified in them here in force degree. And to deny the Gloryofhis Image is the malignants way of injuring him, and that in which the worft will ferveyou. He that will praifeGod as Crea- tor andRedeemer mutt praife his worksof CreationandRedemption : And is it the way of praifmg him asour sanllifyertodifpraifehis work of sanffifcation ? 584. Thofe poor Sinners ofmy acquaintance who lived in the grofett fins againft Confcience (asDrunkennefs, Whoredom, &c.) have been glad enough offuch doárine, and forward enough to believe, that there is nothing in man that in any part canjuftifie him, or that is any part of righteoufnefr, but it is all out of us inChrifi and therefore they are as jufliiable as any : But Confcience will not let them believe it astheydefire. 185. It is arrogant folly todivide the praifeof any good aet between God and Man, and to fay God is to have fo manyparts, and Man fo many : For thewhole is due to God, and yetfomeis due to Man : For man holdeth his honour only in fubordination to God, and not dividedly inco-ordination : And therefore allis due to God : For that which is Mans is Gods, becaufe we have nothing but what we have received. But he that arrogateth any of the honour due to God or Chrift, offendeth. 186. Ifall had been taken from Gods honour which had beengiven to the Creature, God would have made nothing, ormade nothing Good;-- Heaven and Earth, and all the World would derrogate from hisho- nour ; and none of his Works thould be praifed : And the better any man is, the more hewould dithonourGod; and thewickeder the left. But he made all Good , and is Glorious in the Glory, and honou- rable in the honour of. all : And to juftifie the holinefs of his Servants is to juftifie him. 187. If thefe Teachers mean that no man bath any power freely to ecifie the Ails of his own will, by any other help ofGod , betides ne- effitating predetermining premotton , and fo that every man dothall hat he cando, and no man candomore than he Both; They dithonour God by denying him to be the Creator of that Free- power, which is effential to man, and which God himfelf accounteth ithis honour to create. And they feign God to damn and blame all that are damned and blamed, for as great Impoffibilities, as if they were damned fr c