Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

andMoral Works. 7c damned and blamed for not making a world,orfornot being Angels. i88. Thus alfo fuch men, teach that Chrift lirippeth a chrift,anof two things, His Sins, and his Righteoufnefs : Or thatTwo things muß be havaatiniteencoreeve d tali away, for Chrisa 5 Sins and Righteoufnefs : Bin they thould fpeak oufnefs orHolinefs,noné better, if they would not deceive 5 nothing is to be caft away as evil f Cs all deny nor are but sin. Righteoufnefs; trulyfuch, is Good, and neverto be cart away. Righteous by it wte Nor If it beno Righteoufnefs, why do they falfly fay that we muff cart away that t a accufed as our Righteoufnefr. To cart away a fa f conceit of Righteoufnefs, is not Impenitent, ungodly, an to cart away Righteoufnefr, but sin only. Indeed befides Sin , we are Hypocrite, &c. mull be laid juftly to call away that which would be the Objeta and Matter of the contrarieVne himelf Sin : And the phrafe is fitlyer applyed to a thing Indifferent, than to orelfe perìfh : Andall a thing neceJfary, leaft it feduce. There is nothing fo Good, whichMay agegee tatthis isnimpé `- not bemadethe objectof Sin, not Chrift or hisRighteoufnefs, or God feet , and in us dined' oun himfelf excepted 5, But we mutt not therefore fay that wemutt coif away ti,ac no man d therefor Godor Chri.ft, becaufe we mutt not thus objectively abufe thein So flea by ie without par- Holinefr and true Righteoufnefs (Inherent or imputed) may be obje&s dga nll thenci,a nor at bet of finful prideand baffling; But it is not edifyingDoilrine therefore to ,ñg a tanner , and con- fay that we muff cart away Inherent and Imputed Righteoufnefr : But yet demnable by the Law of true felf denyal requireth that we deny our Righteoufnefs (Inherent or remaine[h then , bat'to Imputed) to be that which indeed it is not. And fo when men accoun- trouble the world with ted the Jewith obfervations to be ayulti in Ri hteoatne r in coin e- contending de nomtne , J fy g g 'J f p whether imperfefE tition with, and in oppofitionto Chrift , Paul counteth it as loft, and Righteoufnefs flaall be dung, and nothing in that refpe& : whenyet elfewhere he faith I have Call giv ugh eoof ecalled lived in all goodConfcience to this day. And Chrift himfelf fulfilled that Juflifying or making us Law andRighteoufnef. So if a man will conceit , that his common rghteoas roar? Grace will juftifie him without Holinefs, or his Holinefr, without Par- don and theRighteoufnef of Chrifl, he mutt deny this Righteoufof ;that is, he mutt deny it tobe what itis not, and mutt caft away (not it, but) thefalfe conceits ofit : And fo ifany Libertine will fay that ChrflsRighte- oufnefr imputed tohim, will juftifie him, without faith, or be inftead of Holinefs to him, he muft deny ImputedRighteoufnefs thus, to bewhat in- deed it is not. x89. When we tell them, that, ¡f we hadfulfilledall the Law re uta- Mere aof i the wrong J p fence of Ymputation; Lively by Chrifas our Legalperfon , we couldnot be bound to further obe- confuting many So- dience to it, They anfwer, that we are not bound to obey to the fame ends Phifms. as Chhifl, that is forRighteoufnefr, or juflificationor merit, but in Gra- titude. But this is-but to giveus the caufe , and ignorantly to deftroy As quisunquam e nearia their own. For, Y. This is but to fay, that when a man is reputed to 7" fotrmatiterr3ut have fulfilled all the Law, yet it is to bereputed unfulfilled as to certain lüficari, alerait? Pride- ends. As if he fulfilled all the Law that fulfilled it not to alldue ends : duxLeft. s. deyu/ì.rap.q. 2. Or as if the Law obliged one man to fulfill it twice over for the fame lifes time once fimply and inall its obligations, and another time for other ends. 3. Or as if the Law required any more than abfolute perfe&lion. q. Or that abfolute perfe&ion hadnot been in Chrift's holy The Papilla concur obedience. 5.0r as if therewere any obedience whofe end is not Righte- with themliahur fëween oufnefsand juftification, againft thechangeofthe contrary difobedience. tuft and privatively.un- Do not thefe men obey that they may be fofar righteous ? Or is not eve- Juft , vt. not tuft ne- gaovely , fo Brianfan ry man fo far Righteous as he doth Righteoufnefs ? Is not every man ire q. g. a. car.;, fe!. 145. at large t But they can givens no inftance but in a (lone or other incapable creature, that is not obliged : And we confefs that if aman can he found that ¡snot obliged to heJuft,he is neither juft nor (Privatively, but Negatively) unjuft : But what's this to our cafe? And the Papifts commonly joyn with them, that fay that God remitteth not only the Reatnm vet Obligatidnemadprenam, but alfo the Rearmcape in fe; But when they come to open it, they mean bui that God is not difpleafed with, or hash not a punifhing ryill againft the Sinner: As if they knew not that as GodsLove is our chief reward . fo his difpleafure is our chief punifhment; And that Remiflion doth make no change in God, but by takingaway Guilt of Gods hatred and other punilh- ment, God then is reconciled becaufethey are not objefls of his hatred : And to take away the Ream pieta and the Reatuin culpa, non in fe, fedgoad panam is all one, andall that both fides mean if theyenderftand what they fay. But to all eternity it will be true, that we once finned, which none deny. L 2 that