Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

Of god's government, that lovethGod juftifiableas a Lover ofhim for fo far as he loveth eth him 6. And is not Gratitude anend, and a thingcommanded by the Law ? If we obeyed pettedly in Chrift, we were pettedly thankful in Chrift. 7. Butif they fay that Chrift fulfilled only the Law made to Adam for us, and nothisown Law of Grace , and therefore that he obeyed for us, only to the ends of that Law ; I anfwer, t. Ifthe endsand matterof that Lawbe fulfilled by us in him, our obedience to any other mutt be needlefs : For he that is fuppofed never to havefinned, neednot life any means for pardonor remedy. 2. By this rule Chrift only fulfilled the ,Law for Adam, and Eve, and for us only as we were in them , which is only Virtually and not Actuallyat all ; but not at all for,us according to any obligation that ever fell upon our perfons. For, t. We were never perfonally bound to perfea perfon[ perpetual obedience as the Con- dition of life; For that Covenant as to thepromifi andcondition ceafed before anyman-was born. a. And all the duty in the worldwhich we are bound to, is tobe done for Evangelical ends ; for recovering Grace, and unto Gratitude, be. To fay therefore that we are perfectly Righ- yeous, as having pettedly obeyed all Gods Law in Chrift, andyet that we are bound to obeyall thatLaw that ever we were under toanother end ; and that Chrift obeyed forus only as to that which we were never under'perfonallybutvirtually in Adam,this is to fay and unfay. 8. Laftly, they fee not that theirown anfwer implyeth the truth of what we af1'ert; and is the fame that wegive; which their caufe is uncapable of : viz. We fay, "thatChrift did indeed molt pettedly obey the Law ofEno- " cency, fofar for us and in our flead (though not in our perfon) as " that hehath vindicated the truth and glory of God and his Law, by " doing that whichwe fhould have done anddid not : Andhathmerited "for us a better Covenant, which obligethus not at all to obey for the Q0 endsofthe firftCovenant,viz.that our perfection might be our Righte- "oufnefs, orthe condition of life; blit only to obey for theends of the "new Covenant,for the obtainingand improving ofRecoveringGrace, "and Salvation by Chrift freely given us : which we our felves muft do "orperifh. tgo. And whereas they tell us that [We may as well fay that manmidi notdye becaufe Chrift dyedfor so, asnot obey becaufeChrilt obeyed for us,] They ftrangely nfe our reafon againft themfelves andknowit not. For we fay that wemull dye becaufewedid not pettedly either obey the Law orfnfferall its penalty by Chrift as our legal perfon : But he fufferedonly to fatisfie Juftice in tantum to this end, that man himfelf fufferingdeath and temporalafflictions, and obeying the Lawof Grace, might be faved from all the reft ofthe punifhment. Butif we had fo fulfilled theLaw as aforefaid, byDoing or fufering, we could not have dyed nor fuffered the leafi afiliion as apenalty. For all punifhmontin the effence of the Re- lation isfor(in. tgt. And when they fay that [it is no more inconvenient to fay that Chriffwas perfeíl inour perfon, than that hefatìsfiedinour perfon andwe by him.] I anfwer, t. Both are falfe and fubvert the Gofpel, as aforefaid. 2. But yet we may fitly fay that Chrift fufered in the perfon of a Sinner; but mark the fence. r. sufferingaspenal belongeth to a Sinner as fuch: But Satisfaiiion is an Fled ofChrift's fuffering, which rcfulteth not from the weer fufring, nor fromthe perfn of a Sinner: but from the Will and Covenant ofGod made to that excellent perfon who was God and perfel Man. So that it is not fo aptly laid, Hefatisfyed, as it is that he fiuffered, in theperfon ofa sinner. 2. Note that it is not any other man's perfon