Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

Of god's government, thatend 5 and to that end he undertook and performed his office, and merited all thisby his perfe& righteoufnefs : So that hereby he made Himfelf a Federal Head and Root of a holy Society (his Church): And whenever any perfondoth Believeand is united federally to him, he then receiveth the effects of that which was before in Chrift as a Virtu, offetîiva. The Law made toAdam or to us, did not affignChrift to this office , nor obligehim to fuller or merit for fanners according to it : Therefore by fodoing he fulfilled not the Law as it obliged us; that is, by thatob- ligation, norfuffered by that obligation whichbound us to fuller; But by the obligation of his own Confent, and that Law which was peculiar to himfelf as to the formal obligation, though materiallyhe was bound by it to fulfill theLawofNature and ofMofes. TheLawof Innocency then'or Works, took notChrift for the Civil Or Legal Perron of ruch Sinner, or Believer, no more than it made him fuch. 4. As Gods Law to the Mediator made him this office, fo Chrift's Lawof Gracedoth quoadjus 6, Relationem give to every true believing Covenanter, firft, Chrift himfelf in union to be theirfederal Head, and . withhim title to his Grace, Spiritand Glory. And now they are Per- fonally and a&wally his federal Subje&s, Friends, and Members i and have right toall his conferred gifts. q. But this rightfloweth not immediately to them, from what Chrift did or fufferedfor them ; but from his Lawor Covenant of Grace , by which as his Donative and Ruling Inftrument he conveyeth that title to them. 6. And therefore they have no right before theTime, norany but on theConditions and Meafure fpecified in that Covenant or Law ; fo that Righteoufnefs is not theirs becaufe itis Chrßs, nor inthemanner or mea- fure andto the ends of the donation. 7. This much containeth the matter of thisDo&riveoftheCollation and Imputation of Chrift's righteoufnefs, frill remembring that as no one till hewas aPerfon, could be a perfon -guilty of Adams fin ; nor when he was a perfon, anyfooner than he was alfo guilty of his own inherent pravity, and none that had the ufe ofReafon was guilty of either or both thefe only, without the guilt of his own Atival Sin, and all three together, (z. Adam's fin juftly imputed to us, 2.And our innate Pravity, 3. Andour a&ual Sin) are theparts which conftitute our ple- nary guilt; even fo no one till he is a Believer isrelated asa Member of a Perfectly Righteous Saviour ; and that is done no fooner (in time) than he hath the Inherent Righteoufnefs of his perfonal faith and federal con- fent; and that obligethhim to the further active righteoufnefs of a holy life, and all thefe three conjunct (though not co- ordinate) make up the total Righteoufnefsofa Saint,viz. z. Our Relation to Chrift in union as to a perfectly Righteous Head, who fulfilled all righteoufnefs for us tomerit our yaftication (which is called Chrift's Righteoufnefs Imputed to us, as being thus far reputed ours). 2. And our penitent believing con- fent to his Covenant, which is the condition of the forefaidRela- tion to Chrift. 3. And our after'San&ification and obedience to Chrift's Law. 8. And when we are commonly thus far agreedofthe Matter, ifany will contend for theirfelt-coyned phrafes and words, and not beingcon- tent to call Chrift our Redeemer, Saviour, Teacher, King, Prieft,Head, Lord, Teftator, Sponfor or Surety, Ranfom, Price, Sacrifice, e c.