Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

and e% /Ioral Works. theScripture doth, will needsplead thathe is or wasour Perlin:, or was holy, obedient, fuffered in our Perfons, Legal or Civil, orwas our Stib= ftitute, Delegate; Inftrument, &c. his contentionwill be bath corrupt- ing and dividing : And yet I will acknowledge that among Lawyers the word [Perfon] hath fo many fenles, that in force of them (were they ourway of fpeech here) it might bePaid that Chrift did in fóme things perforate each Sinner, or eachbeliever, limitedly, in tantum. &adhoc, & non fimpliciter, out ad ()Ionia ; And all verbal quarrel I would Ihun even with them that fpeak ineptly, and dangeroufly, and injurioufly to the truth and Church, fo they will but by a found and necellàry expli- cation vouchfafe us an Antidote againft the hurtful tendency of their phrafes. 9. obj. If Chrift's perfon be given us, then his perfonal Righteouf- nefs is givenus with it. Anf Yes, as his Perfon is : He is not given usas Proprietors and Lords to become our Own at our difpofe : Nor is his Perlonmade one Perlonwitheach orany ofus: His Perron is not turned intoours, nor oursinto his: As the Husband is not the perfon of the Wife, nor the KingofeachSubject; But asone that bath a Great; Wife, Learned, Bountiful, Holy Kingor Husband, bath allo his Greatnefs, Wifdom, Learning, Bounty andHolinefs , as they have him ; that is, Ashis perfebtions for their goodasfar as his Relation binds him, but notas ifhis endowments, were removed from him to them, or falfly reputed to be in them, or his perfon tobe theirperjns 3 fo here, as we have a chilli, fowe have a perfect Righteous Chrifi given us to be our federal Head when we believe ; and the Righteoufnefs which is not in us but in him is ours, fofar as to befor our Good, as far ashis Office andCovenant do ob- ligehim : So thata Righteous Chrift, and therefore the Righteoufnefs of Chrift are ours , Relatively themfelves , quoad jus beneficie , fo as that we haveright to there Benefits by them, which we (hall poffefs : and for the merits of his Righteoufnefs we are conditionally jufti- fied and Paved before we believe , and aftually after : But are not ac- counted to be Chrift, nor the Legal Actorsof whathe did , nor Chrift accounted tobe eachofus. SECT. V. Merit, 192. The great Controverfieabout humane Merits, whichNthmade fogreat a noire in the world, is of fo eafie folution, that I can fcarce temmptr ¡nriiedamei, moos think but almoft all lober underftanding Chriftians in the world are tonlegal remiSonem pecca- agreed in fence, while they abhor each others opinions as ill expreffed cienï eltern idmei acíep- or mifunderftood. Diftinguifh but, I. Of Commutative :ufiice, and tari, gratis proper chre- Difiributive Governing Vuftice. 2. And of Governing yuftice according a e?ere m'obdteaverrta! to Gods feveral Laws; of Innocency, Mofaical Works , and of Grace. oiga legem, eft reputan And of7uflifying and Meriting fimply, and comparatively g And the quondam 71.'64m cafe isfo plain, that few things aremore plain to us, that Chriftianscon, stAredeäòn. óperib. trovert, tli7a. [kuanq'uam bec nova ebe- dienüa procul abet a per ¡`licit Rig meretarsmolt, idea quia perrera roce,ciliate pint.. fettiané legit , tame, eft Ita deoperibua judicandum eft que ampiil/lmis laidibua ornanda (uni quodfielt neceffaria, quei fiat tintas Dei, ea; Satrifitia fpiri. tualia fá mereantur premix. Ib. Exercelationo(ira e# confervat ea, 1 meneur incrementen sta jilted üabentídabitar : ea. Ángnftiñüs preciare digit, bileífil innerer incrementam diieltoanir;c,em viz.exercetur.itabent Win beufnopera Premix tuai itha; vita,tum poll banc vitam in vita ñteind' lc To