Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

and Moral Work!. 8 and refitting impediments, isbut the fame motesut a termino a quo ; And he that refufeth tocome out of his Prifon and Chains, refufethhis Li- betty; and he refufeth the Gold , that will not calf away his handful ofdirt to take it. So that really all is but a Thankful Accepting of the mercyof the new Covenant according to its nature and ufe as it isofered. f rruftin óúr ouçü 196. It is agreat queftion whether a man may Trull to his ownFaith, dal n, repentance, holi- Repentance or Holinefs. But fome men Rilltrouble theworld with iunex- nets, c'rc. plained words , where no lober men differ. Nowife man can dream that we mayTrull to thefe for more than their proper part ; as that we may Trufi them to do any thing properto God, toChrift, to theSpirit, to thePromife, &c. And to ufe the phrafeof Trufling to our own faith or Holineis when it foundeth abfolutely, or may tempt the hearers to of which fee mote think that they may Trull them for Gods part, or Chrift'spart, and my Life ofFaith. not only for their own, is a dangerous deceiving court. But that rotzcuo aomni lent1a really theymaybeTrn,fled for their own part, and midi befo , no lober pamo ,fed quianon fads- perfon will deny : For fo to believe, obey, pray toGod, &c. and not facimw legi, pracat alt,;. toTrull to them in theirplace ; that is, not to think that we (hall be ever fifinctha neranc. d the better for them, is unbelief and indeed diftrufting God, and raying, lib. alb, c. 7. It is in vain to ferve hint, andwhat profit is it that we callupon him ? And fuch diffidence and defpair will end all endeavours : Let every manprov. Gal. 6. his own work, andfo (hall he have rejoycing in himfelf and not in ano- ther. This is our Rejoycing the teflimony of our Confciences that infin:- z cor. i. xi, plicity and Godlyfncerity wehave had our Converfation in the world. If we are Juftifiedbyfaith , we may Trufl to be Yuflifyed by it. But the rareufe of fuch a phrafe in Scripture, and the danger of it muff make usnever ufe it without need. (As if we were dìfputing whether the Popich or Protettant Religion be that which a man may trill for his Salvation) or the like. And when ever its ufed, it implyeth our Trutt inGod and our Saviour only fortheir part. 197. To conclude this great point of Imputed and Inherent Righte thTheift ke oblation ion of oufnefs, it may be objected, that The fame man may well be judged a tauon. Sinner deferving hell, never fulfilling the Law, nor fatisfying yuflice, nor labour ofematóns deferving Heaven, in himfelf; thatis, in his Natural perfon, and yet be fire the Reader to fee iQ 3udged one that neverfinned, butfulfilled the Law , is perfeeily holy and Gail. Fheesononfider righteous, and merited Heaven in his Legal or Civil perfon, in and by of Vega, Pigbiu, Staple= Chr ; To which I anfwer, One man is but one, and bathbut one perfon. ton; and other PapiRs But if you take the word [Peifon] equivocally, as dignifying another about Impnraáon of that is made like him in tome refpe&s, or that hash his Nature, or cloth grannog usallhotPro. fomewhat in his(lead and for his benefit, as a fecond perfon, fay fo, mme is mean r- and we will ftrive with no man about words : If you will fay we are Daoenanr, r:grinua, Job now onearth in our Natural perfons, and are in Heaven inChrJ1 ; orthat crociva, and many others' we are Redeemed in our Natural perfons , but Redeemed our felves in have obrèrved. Chrifl; or that youarefick in your Naturalperfon, and well inyourper- fon inChr,&c. I likenot your language; but thereare fcarceany words fo bad, which á man may not put a good fence on. But we would be underflood, and plainly ask, whether Chrift was properly every fin- ners or believers perfon in Law-fence, fothat ipfo fallo God account- eth us to have been habitually andallively perfect in Him, and to have merited and fatisfîed in him ? If fo, the Law canlook on oneman but as one : And he that paid a debt by his Servant or anyother as his Legal perfon,cannot be required todo it againin hisNatural perfon, unlefs you will fay that God loveth our Legalperfon, and will Cave it, andmayhate our Naturalperfon and damnit. TheScripture ufeth no fuch contradi- dory fubtleties as thefe. S G l ë M