Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

Of C'jod'c qóvérnment; SECT. XI. How faith Juffif-teth. Note, that when we 198. The common laying that faith jufißeth as an In(irument might cal faith an Accep. pals as tolerable, if toomanydid not ftrain it toa wrong fence,and rail ting it relareth to the unwarrantable Do&rines from it, and harden the Papifts by unwaran- Donation of the Co- venant and the Donatum, table Anfwers. A ju.fiifying Infiriment properly is an efficient. &first. which is aJus ad benefrmental caufeof Juftification, which I have elfewhere too largely proved Bed Renovation faithasa is ea. that faith is not, eitherGods Infiniment or ours, Phyfcal or Moral , nor caufe, but Pardon is Ac- anyWay efficiently juflifiethus. But jufiifying, is one thing to Receive cepted by it :And we juftification is another thing , and to be uiii acd is a third. Faith is fully grant the Pap¡Qs j f thatRenovation and par- no juftifying aft : But faith is in its Effence the Acceptance of an offered don go together , what- God, Chrift, Spirit, for Life : This Acceptance is by the Covenant made ever theythemheves do the conditionofour pavetrue Reception and 1'0M-ion of Right (before fome of themfelves do feak jli as we de Remil opened) : To be fuch a Conditionperformed,is to be aremovenr prohibens others are confounded ofthe laid Reception : which is ftri&ly tobe Difpoftio materiæ recipientis5 about. Vid-wotton's cita- And fo it may be called , i. AReceiving Caufe. 2. And a mediumor s der.Macu the School- men e - dfpofitive Caufe of the effe6t; jufüfi.'cation as Received, but not as Given : toncil. peer AndBrianfon (As I faid Dr. 7wiffe choofeth tocall it) But this caufa Difpoftiva is part faith On 4. q. 8. fo/.116. of the caufa Materialis, viz. Ana difpojta : A cattle, or more properly that fin as Iemitted or guilt, is Eranrnm qùadam a condition why 'receive jefiification, and by receiving it am `reflifzed Relatio ratìonis, inTian- which is their meaningwho call it A-Pave Infirr.ment, that is , ARe- teem tl objeUtnm intelleStris eá voluatatrs divina : ceiving Infiriment. .ufa poftqum commijft 199. Theplain eafie truth is, that Faiths Nátnre which is tobe [a Be- peceatum Dei volunteer or. dinariplum ad poenam cor- lieving Acceptance ofthrift , and Life o eyedon that'Co:di:ion] being its refpondentem peccato , er very effence is but its Aptitude to the office it hath toour Juftification 3 by rnaellettiraproviderpro on- which theQueftion is anfwered, whydidGod rom/ a us Chr andLife on ni tempore donee prena de- > y p f bita fit tauter. Videre the Conditionoffaith rather than another? Becaufe of the congruity of peccata lei, el ad poenam its Nature to that office. But theformal Reafon ofits officeas toour Jufti imputare: Aver:erefacien eft, ad pienam non refer- ncation is ItsBeing theperformed Conditionof the Covenant. And ifGod vare: Angutt:.--Ergo nil had chofen another condition,a condition it would have been. Now the aliad oft poll erbium rifj'an- teen peccaua effenfa, Ma- true notion in Law being a condition, Logicians would call this.impro- vela, reatar, nib ilia re- perly a Receiving caufe, andmore properly A Receptive Difpofttion of the ¿aria rations: tio ad Sul atjua matter, reducing it toPh tcal notions. But the moltproper term is the ordinatio ad [tenon at el g yf dr[conveniena ip/I anima, plaineft, [We arejnftified by that faith, which is the BelievingPratlical Ac- ae.tem ance p of the Father, ejus macula : ut ce t God thther Son andHolyGhofl as Given us on that con- amen eft obligatio forma- r , liter adiftam 'retrain dici- dition in the Baptifmal Covenant, becaufe (oras) it is made by God the con- en Reattu : Et ur eft di- dilion ofhis Gift thereby]. Underftand this plain doctrine, and you have viva volantatis, Sec. di- eirur®ffenfa:Nil [n] aliad the plain truth. el offendi vel Itafci in Zoo. They that fay contrarily thatFaith juftifieth proximately as it is Deo,gaam velle Vindicare iliapanal: But he after an Infirmnient, or a Receiving Acceptingetïi, and not as a Conditionofthe owneth that the Culpa is Covenant, do evidently choofe that which they vehemently oppofe, another thing, viz. that the a credere juftifieth : For the very nl credere or the effince ofFaith, is tobe an AcceptanceofChriIf given. But iftheywill toavoid this, fay that By Faith theymean [Chrifibelieved in,] then they fay that by Receiving Chrift theymean not thereceiving of him, but Chrifi him- felf : And why then do they not fay fo, but trouble the world with loch unintelligible phrafes : But to open the fenfelefsnefs and confe- quentsof that Doltrine would but offend. All know that Chrift the Objet is connoted as the alt ofFaith. SECT.