Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

and çloralWorks. 83 SECT. XII. How Iepentance is joyned with Faith: 201. Repentance is aDifpofitiomaterie recipientis too, and a part of the condition of the Covenant : And fo fara Material ordifpouitive Re- ceiving Caufe : But not anAcceptance ofthe Gift formally , in its avert- ing aft. 202. FaithandRepentance are words ufedin Scripture in divers fig- Saith M ldert*t , Gu: nifications. As Faith is fometimes taken for bare Afent, as yam. 2. and aAmeeui Catvixe recedigt ab ufually for Affiance or Trull, and always when it denominatetha Chri- regx,r=t ad jaftldam bona ¡flan or u(tified Believeras filch, it effentially includeth all the three opera tan uam tonditaonem J preregai em , quodedam parts, Ant, Confect, andAffiance but yetdenominateth the whole by extendlt ad iplam etettio- a word which principally fignifieth One aft (which commonly is Affi- new. I See here how lit- tle the Papifts under- once as including the other two); fo Repentance is fometime taken nand us. comprehenffvely for the whole Converfron ofa Sinner to God , the Father , Son and Holy Ghoft; and fo it includeth Faith in the nar- rower fence, and is the fame thing as Faith in the larger fence , but exprefs'd under another formal notion. Sometimes it is taken more narrowly; and that 1. As to the Are. 2. As to the Objet. 1. As to the Aft; and fo the word Repentance fignifieth only the Averfion of the Soulfrom evil, by forrow and change ofmind : And this is the (tri t formal notionof the word, though ufually it be takenmore largely, asincluding alto theConver ion of theSoul to Good ; which is the ufual Scripture and Theological fufe; though theword it felfdo chiefly fignifie the Avertingatt. 2. As to the Objell, s. Repentance fometime fignifieth the Turning of the Soul from Sinand Idols to God asGad ; And fo Repentance towards God, is diftinguifhed from Faith towards our Lord Jefus Chrift. 2. And fometimes it fignifieth only the turning ofthe Soul and life from force articular Sin. 7. 203. Repentance as it is the turning of the Soul from fin -and Idols * The Papists take 'to God, is the fame with Faith in God in the large Covenant -fence, Repeontfasnce it he Remtf1'iotoe and includeth Faith in God in the narrower fence. Repentance as it Sins: And let theRea- is our Turning from Infidelity to Chrt ianit is the fame with Faith der note, for the fuller g % x o w h 'in Chrifl in the large CovenantPaving-fence, and includeth Faith in fad of pening of their hat darIknefave s Chrift in the narrower fence (as it is weer Agent). Repentance as it thereabouts, that Jan- is To. r. tt. s. a Turning from the Flefh to the Holy Ghofi as our Santifyer, is the t, ,.n. p. ,a6. maketh fame thing as our Faith in the Holy Ghofl in the large Covenantfence, four things to be infe- and includethFaith in theHoly Ghofi in the narrower fence. But when parably eonteingh in tni(hon, thou diftin- they are the fame thing, the ratio nominis or formal notion is not the guilhable. ,. The Con- fame. As man's mind is not fo happy as to conceive of all things that Geod.onuof The fer ab-- are one by one entire tingle Conception; fo we are not fo happy in icon of the Macula or our . language, as to have words enough to exprefs things entirely ortt eion dion of Gods by one name; but we =it have feveral words to exprefs our in- offence. n The relax - adequate conceptions by. And fo that is called' Repentance as the ation of the accrual pnnilhment : Iliac all thole are then at orce given us, we are all agreed : Rut whether the name Remifoa or Pardan of fin to meet for them all we difagree. Is it not vifible then how unhappily we Rrive about words, when we talk like men of feveral Languages. But. all is but renovation and remitting the penalty of which Gods offenfe is the firft part . And Manta is either d.'e fin it fell, or the relativeconfequents. M 2 Souls