Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

'84 Of gds government, Souls motion from the Terminus a quo , which is called fometimes Faith or Affiance, and fometímes Love, from the motion of the Soul to the Terminus ad quem, though the Motue be the fame: But when Faith and Repentance are diflinguifhed as feveral parts of the Condi- tion of the new Covenant, the common fence is, that Repentance fignifieth the .Conver(ion of the soul from Sin and <Idois to God as God, which ir, or includeth Faith in God : And Faith ftgnifietli fpecially Faith in Chrill as the Mediator and way to God 5 And fo Faith is below Repentance, as ameans of it. 204. .By this the queftion whether Faith or Repentance be 'firft, may partly be refolved, and partly call out as founded in confufion. As they are both one thing, neither can be firfl, any otherwife than the fame Motu" ut a termino a quo, & ut ad terminum ad quem. But as they lignifie divers things, they have each of them divers ails, and in relpe t ofeach, are before each other. TheAffenting all of Faith in general mua needs be always before Repentance, as it is an All of the Will. But the conflating All offaith is alto part of Repentance, and muff follow that part of Repentance which is a change of the underfianding. But whether the Repentance as towards God, or Faith in Chrift be firft, or Love to God, and Faith in Chrift, I have difcufl'ed as accurately as I can, in my Chriftian'Diretlory, Par, I. cap. 3. pag. 582. and therefore thither refer the Reader. tog. And how Faith and Love differ I have there alto opened, differw Faith and Love and therefore fhall now only fay , that Faith as it fignifieth meet Afent , differeth from Love, as the ad of the Intellei, fromVolition : And Loveformally taken prefuppofeth the Afent, anddoth not con- tain it. But Faith taken largely in the fence of the Baptifinal Co- venant, containeth in it confint, which is the Wills Volition, and therefore muff needs have fume initial Love in it as it a teth in Defire.. This Faith in God hath Tome Deffre and Volition of God, and Faith in Chrift , which is the Souls Praílical Affiance in him, hath Tome Love to Chrift in it. But the denomination is not from the fame ratio formalis in each. It is eminently called Faith, when giving up our Souls to Chrift to be faved in practical Affiance is the great work of the Soul, though it have fomething of Love effential to it. And it is eminently called Love (morally) when the Compla- cency of the Soul in Chrift thus trufted, and inGod our end, is the great work or bufinefsof theSoul. 206. This Holy Love as a fixedhabit and employment ofthe Soul, and our Relation to the Holy Ghofi to work it in us, is it that is pro- sailed and Given quoad jus in the BaptifmaI Covenant , of which Faith, though it have fomewhat of afual Love or Volition in it, is the antecedent condition, which alto I have fo fully opened as aforecited, that I refer the Reader to it for this alto. And fomewhat was Paid of it before. SECT.