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and é7Vloral Works. SECT. XIII. Of the degrees ofPardon or yuftification. 207. Some men left they fhould yield that ju/lification it not one per- fell finifhed all done but once, do feign that it is only the îirf all of Faith by which a man isjuliiged. Indeedit is only theft./ all by which he is changed from an unrighteous to a righteous_Pate: But to think that therefore we are never after juflified by Faith, and fo have no allually juflifying Faith allour lives, but for one infantonly,is fitter for a Dreamer than a theological Difcourfer. 208. Our firft conflitutivejuflïfication, being in its nature a right to Impunity, and to Life or Glory, * is a Relation which mull becontinued to the end, and thereforemull have the true caufes and condition con- tinued, and would ceafe ifany of them ceafed. 209. As to the queftion therefore whether jufiification be loffable, and pardonreverftble, I anfwer, that the grant of them in the Covenant is unalterable; But mans will in it felf is mutable, and if he Ihould ceafe believing byApoftacy, and the condition fail, he would lofe his Right, and be unjuflifiedand unpárdoned, withoutany change inGod. But that a man doth not fo de fallo is tobe afcribed toElellion and fpecial Grace, of which afterward. 210. Though all our paff fins are pardonedat our firft Faith or Con- verfion (oras the Ancients fpeak in Baptifm) yetit ismoft certain that 'Pardon or juflification is not perfell at firft, nonor on this fidedeath : And the layingof many that 7uflifzcation is perfei at fis- 1, and sanllift- cation only by degrees, isa palpable error, as I have elfe-where oft (hewed. For that is not perfe&, r. Which is not continued and brought on to its end, but upon continued conditions , and diligent ufe of means to the laft. * 2. Which leaveth many penalties unremoved,which have further means tobe ufed for their removal, and further Right to it to beobtain- ed To have moreand more Grace and lets and lets Sin , and to have * Vafgaer tells us, that Remill On of Sin is that wlych Sugaltinemeaneth by Regeneration and 'unification: Rut what theymean by R,:saiion they cannot veil .hem- felves,as aforefaid: Par- don of the gale they meannot, or elfe they mean feveral things in one word. * Mg; enim peceati fai veniam impetravitAdam, at morte temporali, is: maniaOr, Twa contr. nearer communion with God, are bleflings as to the degrees, which we Corven.pag. 343 col. z. mull by degrees attain a further Right to, and the privation of them are fore penalties to be removed. 3. We have new fins tobe pardoned every day. 4. Our remainingCorruption is Inch as needeth a continued Pardon, till it rbe perfeétly done away. 5. The Day of Judgment is not come, for which themolt perle&Juftification is referved. SECT. XIV. Of yuflification by Sentence of the yudge. 211. The fecond fort of Juftification, which is by Sentence, is done by Chriflas judge, and fois an a&of his Kingly Office. 212. Therefore were it true (as it is not) that juflifying Faith were only the receivingorbelieving inChrifl as aJuflifier ofus, it would not be .a believing in him in his Prieflly Office onlybut in a&: For he merited our Juftification as a humbled Servant, and a Sacrifice : He giveth