Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

86 OfC'fod's government, L xCor. 4.¢: giveth it us in Right by hisCovenant or Law of Grace as King and Rene- falior : He promulgateth it as Prophet; He paffeth the Sentenceas King and judge; He executively taketh of the penalty, andglorifieth us as King andBenefallor. There is noJuftification bya partial Faith. 213. Though the eftimation of a man as juft, called the Sententia judicis concepta, asdiltina from the fententia prolata, be faid to be an ionmanet act of God, and therefore from eternity, yet it is a miftake : For though it benot tranfient ejfectivè and donihil e{jleere ad extra, yet it is tranfient objectivé, and dotti prefuppofe the exiftence of the quali- fied Object: For though Gods Knowledgeand Will ingenere, oras fuch, arehis eternal Effence, yet Gods Knowledge and Love ofJohnorPeter as Believers, are termswhich lignifienot his Effence as fuch, but as tranfens and terminatedon thole exijeent perforasrelatively : So that the extrinfical denomination from the exiftent Object is temporary as it is. 254. As the Angels rejoyce at a Sinners Converfion, and therefore know it, fo thenotifying ofGods acceptance andpardon to the Angels, may be calledfamefort offintential Juftification. 215. And the notifyingour conititutive Righteoufnefsto ourConfcien- ces, is force kind of fententialJuftification. 216. But this Juftification called in foro confcienti.e is not the yuftifi- cation by ìeaith fo much fpoken of in Scripture: For that ever goeth before this. A man is ever made juft, before he can be efteemed, judged, or known tobe fo. And this in confcience is anuncertainmuta- ble thing, according to the weaknefs of the man : And oft he that is juft before God, doth moft doubt of it, and condemn himfelf: This juftification may ceafe when we fleepor thinkof other things; and may rife and fall daily, ifnot be often loft. And it isnot of that grand im- portance to our Salvation, as juftification by Faith is. SECT. XV. Of initial executivePardon or7uilification. 217. But themoft notable juftification by way offentence is, r. By Gods initial Executions here. 2. By the publick sentence andExecution at the Day of Judgment. 258. Godfpeaking not by Voice, that is called his Sentencewhich de- cigvely declareth his Judgment. But the Execution moft notably de- clareth that : Therefore though they be two things with men, and fometimes with God, yetSentencebeing oft palled principally by Execu- tion, theyare then both one. 219. In thisfenfe tofang e a man, is tojufliiehimexecutively, and fo fententially. For executive Jnffification and Pardon is the actual Impunity, removing of deferred Punifhment, and actual giving pofffiòu ofLife and Salvation, which conftitutive Juftification gaveus Right to. And see my stiff, before, as our privation of the Spirit and Holinefs, and to be left in fin, is a Mr. i[otetkts Book of great punifhment ; fo tohave the Spirit and Holinefs given us, is execu- Forgivenjs,andbis took: tive Pardon and jufiifacation ; And fo will Glorification much more. 220. Executive Pardon and juftification therefore, though the fart of threeforts is thenoblest, as fuppofingboth the other, and being their end and theperfe Lingof the whole work. 221. Non-