Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

88 Of .Cjod's government, have God and not to have him; nor yet his neceffáry difpofition for fruition; for without holinefs he is not acapable difpofed recipient of Salvation. The refs of his arguments run all upon this error, as if love and holinefs were only the means, andnot the end and Salvation given. SECT. XVI. Ofaffurance of Pardon )u.lification and Salvation : Andwhether it be Faith. 224. The Faith by whichwe are juflifiedis not abelieving that we are juflifeed, but a believing that we may be jwffified: Not a believing that Chr f is ours more than other mens , or that we fhall be faved; but a believing inChrifl that he may be ours, and We may befaved by him. aag. There is affurance in this Faith; not affurance that we arefn- cere, or ¡hall befaved : But affuranèe that Gods Promifes and all his Words are true, and that he will perform them ; and that Chrift is the Saviour of the world, and that the love of God is our End and Happinefs, and that all this is offered tous in Chrift, even Pardon and Life , as well as others; which offer Faith accepteth truly ; But the Believer is oft uncertain of the fincerityof hisown belief, and foofhis Salvation. Iknow that the learned 226. How much certainty wehave of Divine fievelation and Scrip- Conciliatorcuitiet..Par- ture verity, I have fo fully opened in many T'raelates,.and lafily in one bes ar ahem confidently ytof called The certaintyof Chri ianit without Popery that I. will not here g L Y.Î .Il Y P Y confufion , who place repeat it, further than tofay, that it is not a perfea apprehenfion which thanin more faculties we call our certainty, noryet an une eEtual doubtful one But fuchaene thanone, aolgact calf Ys Y f o it Fiducia. But I doubt as will carrya man on confidence of.Gods Word toa holy life, and. to not but the error is his the forfakingof. all other hopes, even life it Pelf, for the- hopes which are own, which tendeth to confufton, by not diffin- given us by Chrift : which yet may have feveral degrees in feveral per- guithiomaam sneer eralòr tons. But objective certainty, which is the evidence of verity, is more po- litical, which iilmade up full than our fubjellive certainty (for want of our due receptivity in of many phyfical alts : us) and is{till the fame in it felf,though notequallybrought orrevealed And if he (or Bdhop Gear. Domname, Camero, to all. or anythat go thatway) 227. Even doubting of the truth of the Scripture and Chriftianity had been put to tell may ftand with laving Faith and Salvation, when it is notpredominant, what one phyficalÍaft Y theywinconfinechr,tfi- nor fo great as to keep us from the ¡aid forfaking all for Chrift and an Iuf ifying .Faida to, Heaven. they would have found thetnfelves in confuton: 228. Doubting of mans own Salvation, is not always from weak- To fay, it isaffent,deni- neee of Faith dire t1y, much lets is it the want of Faith it fell. For ech not but that it muff . be an affent to many aman may doubt, meetly as doubting of the fincerity of his verities : And this at- own Faith, andnot at all doubting of the truth of theWord. of God. feat fignifieth at once a belief that God is true, But when it is the doubting whether thepromifes bePure , which maketh and that this is his word, aman doubt whether he ¡hall belaved, this doubting is the debility of and that this word is Faith. true. Be that faith, It is a belief of the afferri- on for the credibility of the Altercar, can farce prove thathe natneth bit one Aft: And I know no fuch affent whichBoth not elfentialiy contain a trotting to the word of the Altercar or. Teftifier, called Fiáueea. Can you believe a mans word to be true, btcaufe he is credible, and not craft his credibility fo far as believing him importeth : It is a contradition ? Feder credentio is nothing but atrolling to the Fider dicererir, and they are Relatives, as Aft and Objeft. Though I grant that there is alto a quietting applicatoryTruft or Fiducia, which isbut the exercifeof Faith as fuppoftng me to lee my mtereff in the Promife,- whichcomechafter oúr fist believing, in which we fee but our receptive capacity that the tramite includcth Inc .tit'the reif of Mankind, and the thingpromifed is offered to me. 229. 1.11!