Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

and e9Woral Works. 95 of uncleannefi and impenitence, which directly leadeth to Hell he can nevercome that way to Heaven. Tea if deathfurprize him wandering in that out-way, he cannot but fall into everlafiing death. This is the con- fiant andclear voice of the scripture. ---As Paul faidof thole in the ship, &c. A&. 27. 3 r. - -It is certain that Davidand Peter, Gods Elea Ser- vants, were to come to Heaven 3 But it is as certain that if one had re- mained impenitent in his Adultery andMurder, and theother in his denial of Chrifl and perjury, neither of them could have beenfaved. Providence and Mercyunty this knot, by providing that no eleaperfon die in thatfiate, in which, according to any ordination of Gods Will, hefhonld have been ¡but out ofHeaven. And Thef. 5. [ In that interfpace which is between theguilt offin con- tralled by agrievous fin, and the renewedall of Faith and Repentance, limb a Sinner fiandeth a perfon to be damned by hisown defers, but by Chrifi's Merit and Gods firmpurpofe aperfon to be faved 3 but not before by excited Faith and Repentance, he bath obtained pardon, is heaifually abfolved. ---But in fach guilt the condition of the Faithful and ofthe Wicked is not thefame. -- -To the Vnbelievers is wanting the inwardprinciple of Faith, without which the remedy is asfar off; and cannot be made their own and applied. - - -If any would know the very moment in which a man that had contrailedguilt by a hainouafin, isaaually abfolved , Cyprian feemeth to havedetermined it clearly in thefewords, [ WhenI fee thee fighingbefore the Lord, I doubt not butthe Holy Ghoft is breathing on thee: when I fee thee weeping, I perceivehimpardoning. , The like you have,ludic. Theol. Bremenf. de perfever. ib. pag. 233. n. 9, ro, r r. yid. & rejetya, pag. 237. 267. The Brittifh Divines in that Synod, ludic. depertverant. p. x88. begin with this explication, that it is only the perfeverance of the Adult that areaflually Believers, (and not of Infants) which is intended : For fome of them (asBifhop Davenant and Dr. Ward) havewritten that an Infant ftate of Grace and title to Salvation may be fallen from and loft. 268. They add, ibid. p. Io8. Thef: 3. [This perfwaíon ofperfeve- rance bathnot that degree of certainty, which always excludeth all fear of the contrary : but is fometime lively , fometime languid, fometime, as in greatefl Temptations, none----The first debility arifethfrom thefundamental dependance of this perfonal affiance, which feemeth to come below the cer- tainty of dogmatical Faith. For the Articles of Faithdo afel our agent as immediate and fril principles. But the truth offpecial Faith is not thencededuced as a neceffaryconfequent, but is only fubjoynedby way ofof - , fumption. Ergo theftrmnefs ofthat conclufonwhich maketh thisperfwafions cannot begreater, than that which is 'tithe weaker of the premifes. But that fumption reflethon experimentalfigns, weighed by mansprivate Confcience: which being fometime doubted of, whether they are true fgns , and fosse- times hid by temptations, that they cannotThine out to our comfort, what wonder ifBelievers perfwafion of their eternal Salvation be not always ve- gete and valide. Betides that the very Principles of the Catholic!¿- Faith, thoughby revealed light clear in themfelc es, yetbeing not known to us, by cer- taintyof evidence, but only of Adhefion, * they beget not in us fo firm an afcnt, as mathematicaldemonfirations, and common notions. But in be- holding them, from the relicts of carnal diffidence, fame vapors, as it were, fometime arile, by which the light of divine immutable verity, feemeth tolls to be refringed, and to waver. How muchgreater anddaily is the errour of every Believer in the beholding of their ownperfonal affiance. 269. It Luk: rg. 3, 5- t C. 6. 9 Hebor.r 2. . rq. aTint. a)9. Alt. 27. 3 t. Vid. Dauenim and f ,4 ele Grat. Baptilmati. * Here Í leave their with the Sehool-men. Adhefion f as Darand: confieffeth) fuppofeth, or is ftrongcfì, where there is evidence :. and fuch we have, though not feitfible Win; rei . yet veritatis te/tis' nii.