Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

9'6 OfClod's government, 269. It is too certain, byfad experience, that a true Believer may lofe much of the Grace whichheonce had, and may die 'in a worfeand weaker Rate. Luk. xz. 4, q. 270. It is certain by Gods Word, that the juftified have need of Beb. 4 I. warnings, that they fall not away, and of threatenings ifthey fall; and a tor. y. z7. that they areobliged to {ear it , by a cautelous preventing fear that they x Beh. ,. zE, zg. y g J. may efcape it. 271, It iscertain therefore that if the thing be denominated pofîble in relation to our own power, it is not only potiible that we fhould fall . a`way, but toocertain that we fhould. They that are too fa_ 272. But if .the event,be denominated poffibleor impoffible in rota- vourable to the Domini- tionto Gods meer Decree or Fore-knowledge, whichas fuch do nihil cant predeterminants , efficeread extra, without refpe& tohis operativepower, fo the Apoftacy Mould remember hot- of the Ele& is impofüblelogically, or their perfeverancenecefaryné- far their Marineof fu- pernaturality of Grace ceffitate confequenthe in ordine probandi, it being impoffible that both bath carried them a- of gainit all poífibilicy of thofe thould be true , [ Paul will apoftatize I and [God decreeth that knowing not only our Paul. fiall not , or fore- knoweth that he will not apoflatizeJ. But perfeveranceand Salva- o lea nulla o erations divina-ad extra, it would be neverthelefs poflible ton , but our prefent. p flute of Grace : For in. re&in caufs, that filch a onefhould fall away. For all pofîbles are they fay that nothing not futures Therefore as Godmay both fore-know and decree thenon- but Divine Revelation canallure any man that furityof a thing, ( ifaNegative neededa Decree ) and yet decree that hisaftsarefromafuper - It thall bepofiblé. So Godmaydecree the futurity of a mans perfeve- natural principle : yea that only by the beanfi- rance, and yet decree that it !hall bepoifible, as to all Caufes, that he cal Vifton which is by perfevere not. For he isfuppofed todecree only the determination 6f ñe trueSpdifference an undetermined Power, but notantecedently to take it away, and make between the aas of it no free power. acquired and iofufcd But. if the Relation of o lbilit be denominated fromGods hahit3;fie known. So p ÿ 4lvarevy li,:6. difp. Sr. operative Grace efectingpérfeverance,then God hath various Operations: P. 132. lgabitas vinatum-He cangive his Graceby loch anOmnipotent infuperable force, as (hall Theologicalium plum di- vina revelatrane copal- predetermine the faculty fo far as antecedently to takeaway themoral cantor, certo 6 iofal )bs.. power ( though not the natural ) ad contrarium : And he can work in liter. lmmo Banner ad die quad non poffunt coi- fuch a compliance with the libertyof the Will as fhall only determine the dotter eognafa fecanam.power (natural or moral) to a&, and not antecedently take it away; foam ultzmamäifferentram: unlefs asdetermining it, is a taking it awayas to the contraryad at the per 'mien, aligaam crea- tion propter fsmilitudinem fame inftant,. as everyman taketh awayhis ownpower by aBeing) when pm baben attua chart God operateth the firfI way ( antecedently taking awaythe power ad tarts rnfufa & 'liquified, non potelb quit , feeefa contrarium)'' then the apoftalie ofa man is properly called impoffible, divine revelation , cog- 'in relation to the impotency.of alt other Caufes to overcomeGod, the caufe üofcere infallibiliter eilen charitatis quern habet in -of perfeverance. But when God only worketh the latter way (not tata tpefepernataratem,nec taking away themoral power ad contrarium, but determining it and the difcernery certa iternn pas- cedat effettive ale babies, natural-). then it is no proper expreffion to fay that fuch amans falling infafo vel acquifto, eat a.away -was impoffible antecedently; but only that s. It is non futurum. Banner ,ehe ekeBas' his .2. And logically impoffible in orderof arguing, that it fhould be fo. And confenters, D. Thum.p.s, it is ordinary with high Antiarmittians to fay, That Gods Decree and his q. s :' a. r. e. éa r. d.t z 'Grace too, are fuch as only determinemans power, and that neitherof q. a. a. 4. e3 Sotue de Grat, li. e. e, as.. carol. them ordinarily make our Fall impoffibile, but only nonfuturum. But 3' Andby "i"' usite. et. eeh when God worketh by a greater force ofOmnipotency, taking away that their very Dottrige the moral power ad contrarium, and how oft, what mandare fay that OF inb-f,a and Sure¢- he can tell ? the difference being in theeffet, and not inGod. turalitÿ iá'exccfs is` the very ground of Pedir 274. Therefore though the difpute of the event as future or not fu- denying all certainty of ture have. its place, yet the difpute de poffibilitate is ufually but vain, Salva- tion; and w and darkening efpecially as managed by thofe Confounders who H . K c p Y g Y > only fay,: It is impoffible that Gods decree or fore- knowledge be foefïrate, and neceffary that it' be fulfilled , not diftinguifbing the neceffity of a confequence