Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

9 Of god's government, Et Epift. to I. ad Vitalem [Vtile eft quippe omnibus, vet pene omni- bus propter humilitatem faluberrimam , ut quales futuri Ant fcire non pofint -- -.] Et lib. !I. de Civit. Dei cap. I a. pag. 67. [quis enim primas illos homines in Paradifo negare audeat beatos fuiffe ante peccatum ? quamvis de Jim beatitudine quamdiuturna, ve! utrueneterna effet incertos? effet autem eterna nif peccafent. Cum hodie non impudenter beatos vocemus quo: videmusjufie acpie cumfpe immortalitatis hancvitam ducere, fine crimine vaflante confcientiam, facileimpetrante, peccatis hujusinfïrmitatis divinam mifericordiam? licet de lite perfeverantia premio certì Pint, de ipfa tarnen perfeverantia lea reperiantur incerti? ois ` cairn hominem fe in dtlione profeiug5 jutitieperfeveraturum ufg5 infine. fciat, nif altqua re- velationeab i/la fiat certes qui de hac re julio latentiq, judiclo, non manes inlimit, fedneminemfallit. So Profper Refp. ad Gallor. cap. fent, ad fecundam. [uni dicit quod ab his qui non tune predeft:nati ad .vitam , non auferat per- cepta baptifmi gratta Originalepeccatum non eft catholicus. Sacramentum enim baptifmi quo omnia prorfuspeccata delentur, etìàm in eis verem eft, qui non fient in veritate manfurl, Àr abhoc ad vitam eternam nonfont prie- deinatl. Et Pent. ad feptimuia. [ , Lui dicit quod Deus quibufdamfilii: faisquo: regeneravit in Chriflo, quibus fide., fpem, dilectionem ledit, ob hocper- feverantiamnon dederit, quia a maj a perdition: prefcientia Dei b pre. delinatione nonpit difcreti, &c. Vid. cætera & rent. fup. I a. Et Refp. ad object. Vincent. 12. [Predeflinatio Dei f, aped nos damin prefentis vitepericulis verfamur incerta eft, apedilium tomen, qui fecit quefutura font immutabilisper/leaflet. I need not tell the learned that Fulgentius is of the fame mind with Auguftineand Profper. If this had not beenAuguffine's Do&trine, thepredeterminant Domi, nicanshad never maintained it as his againft the Jefuits, which you may fee in Alvarez Difput. 107. andmany others. Much lets would :anfenius * the zealous Follower of Auguftine (fo perfectly acquaintedwith his Works) have fo thought and laid, and Yea and sradnardine fopropugned it. See him at large in his Auguftin. deGrat. Chrifil, lib. who fpeaketh more harfhly chan Alvere 9. cap. 7. pag. 392, 393, be. 6. lib. 3. C. 20. pag. 163, 164. and yet allérteth falling Though I make nodoubt but our Divines at Dort knew this to be away from trueGrace, Auguftine's profeffed judgment, yet in their yudic. de Perfever. I find though not Predeftina- tionr, or Gods win to three Sentencescited by them out of Auguftine, as making for the con- fare. And ,j`anfenitss +, trary, by which I fuppofe they intended to provehim doubtful or wa- To. r. ri. 5. e. =a, s3 vering. But e. Three doubtful affa es as to the fente are not to be p.rso,tny,ruo. proverb $ P g abat the dilterence be- let againft a mansopen frequently profeffed judgment, thus expounded tween Auguiaoe and Po- and followed by all his Difci les. 2. Let us examine the Texts. ladat lay not about free Y P Pardon, or infufed ha- I. The laftof the three is de Correp. dr Graf. cap. 9. But though Dave- tits of Grace, which Pe- lagiva confefled(though g Want be that Divine whom I honourfor judgment above all, or ahnoft many charge him with all fnce theApoftles days 3 yet I muff fay that in this they all dealt the contrary, who on- verY negligently or partially For in that place Auguftine rofeffedlY derfand him not.) But that Pelaginr iconfeffed diftinguifhethof Sons of God, predeftinate and not predeftinate: and not the necality of faith , [ Nec nos moveat quad fills fuis quibufdam Deus not dat ifiam that aaual Adjutorirom Gratin facial?' to keep perfeverantia.. Abtat enim ut ira e et fi' de illis predeftinatas efient, us from future fin, and to do our duty , befdes pardon of former Sin and infufed habitual ;Grace. By which it appeareth that Auguftine and he agreed , that Retniilion of Sin and infufed habits may be left i and that Augulline laid perfeverance upon Gods Will or Eledtion, and his ajual help or adjutorixm confervans.