Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

and eorál Works. fecundum propouitum vocatif, qui vere font filii promilonis. Nam tfii cum ¡lie vivant dicuntur frlti Dei fed quoniam viEluri tant impiè d in eadem impietate morituri , non eos dicit filias Dei prefeientia Dei. And expounding ex nobis exierunt fed non erant ex nobis, &c. ait, [ Yid aliud dicnnt , ns /d non erant fui etiam panda erant in profeffione e? nomine fulcrum I Non quia ju,flitiamfimulaverunt 5 fed quia ln ea non permanferunt. Neg.; enimait, nain g futffent ex nobis, veram nonfllam juiitiam tenuiffent, utig5 nobifcum : fed ft fueffent ex nobis , per manifent uti nobifcum. In bono lilas volebat proculdubio mauere Erant itag5 in bono , fed quia in eo non permanferunt non erant ex nobis---non erant ex numero filiorum. ---Nam nonperitflius promio- nir, fed filiar perditions. ---Filin fuis non predeflinatis Deux perfeve- rantiam non dedit.- --Et rurfaf quos dicimno inimicos ejus, vel parvulos flies inimicorum ejus , quofcnng5 eorum frc regeneraturus efi , ut in ea fide qux per dile&ionem operatur, hanc vitam finiant , jam 6, ante- ,quam hoc fiat, in illo pr,edeflinatione font filii ejus, dati funtChrillo filio ejus , ut non pereant, fed habeant vitam xternam: - -fia ergo non habuerunt perfeverantiam, ficut non vere Difeipuli Chri f i , ita non vere filii Dei fuerunt, etiam quando efe videbantur & ita vocabantur:- -Apud envi hoc non font, cui notuvi eft quod futuri funs, id eft , ex bonis mati. Proper hoc Apoflolus cum dixiffet, fcimus quoniam diligentibus Deum omnia co-operantur in bonum, fciens nonnullos diligere Dann & iii eo bono ufg5 in finem non permanere, max aedit, His ,qui fecundum pro- pohtunt vocati font, &c, vid. reliqua. Now the words whichour Divines cite are thefe afore-cited, which fay, They were not the Sons of God that fell away. When nothing can be plainlier uttered by the pen of man, I think, than that Augufline of irmeth them tobe Sons as to their fncerity ofFaith which worketh by love, but not to be Sons by predeftination 5 And that not all that are fincere in Faith and Love are Sons in the molt eminentfente, but that part of them who are predeftinated to perfeverance and the inheri- tance ; and that nothingbut predeflinatian and perfeenuerancewas want- ing to their Salvation. He that doubteth whether this was Auguflinea fente, when he hath read him, may doubt of almoft any thing which he is unwilling to believe. Thenext Text is cited as Cont. Adult 5 (I fuppofe they mean Adverfa- rios, and it's falfe printed,) Legis et Prophet. 1.2. c. 2. But I can there find nothing of any fuch Subje&, much lefs fenfe. The only Text therefore of all cited by them out of Augufline re- maineth, which giveth any thew of favourto their Thefts, and that is cited contra :ulian. Pelag. 1. 5. c. 3. In cap. 4. I find the words, viz. [ Iftorum (reproborum) neminem adducit Deus ad ptenitentiam falubrem et fpiritualem qua homo in Chriflo reconciliatur Deo. ] This is all that I find dubious in him. Now whether thefe few words better declare his judgment than whole Chapters and Difcourfes, you may judge? And whether the confiant tenourof hisDo&rine do not dire& us to conclude that this is here his fente, viz. that he talleth that pieni tentiam falubrem, which effe&ually bringeth men to Salvation, and which endureth to the end (as fuch.) And by [a man in Chr ] means not as aforefaid [ a mangiven to Chrift with a decree tofave him] 5 and by [ reconciliatur Deo ] he mean not one that is fo reconciled as to be a predettinate Son, decreed to Glory. Hiftorical Truth mutt notbe denied, nor doth doarinal Truth need hiftorical fahhood for its defence, norcanagree with it. 0 2 This 99