Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

I00 Of god's government, This undoubtedly was Augufin's mind. Only one more Text theycite out of Ambrofe de yacob & vita beata, li. r. cap. 6. But Ambrofe is of his Difciple (Augufine's) mind : The words are , Auis audeat accufare quos eletlos divino ternis jsedicio ? Nun - quid Deus Pater ipfe qui contulit , poteft dona fuis refcindere, & quo: adoptione fufcepit, eos a paterni affeélus gratia relegare. But 1. There Ambrofe exprefly fpeaketh of the Eleîí only. 2. And if he had not, fuch words as thefe are ufualy fpoken by the Fathers, who affertfalling away; meaning that God will not reverfeor refcind his Grace; ifyou cati it not away: As Profper faith, Godforfaketh none that do not frflfor- fake him. If any man would fee more of Auguftine's judgment, the many Sentences cited by me in my Traci. Of Perfeverance , pag. 5, 6. 7. and all thofe cited by Vous Hfor. Pelag. Ii. 5. pag. 559, 560, 561, &c. may eafily put him patt all doubt. See alto Voss lys, ibid. pag. 563, 564. citing more of PROSPER to the fame fenfe. That all the Fathers before Auguftine were for uncertainty of Salvation, and falling away (de fae'lo) of Come that were in a Rate oftrue Grace and Juftification, in which had they died they had been faved , this great Hiftorian throughly vertd in the Fa- thers, ibid. pag. 565, 566, 567. 6 pluribua fequent. fheweth. For brevity, if you doubt, turn to thefe cited places, Iren,em, li. q. cap. 72. yoffin. Martyr. Dial. cum Tryphon. pag. 206, 207. Clemens Alex. Strom. li. 2. pag. 162, 166. Bafil. Homil. in Pfal. 114. & hornil. in Princip. Prov. Origen. v*r a,x li. I. cap. 3. 13. ad Rom. li. 7. cap. 8. Macarius Homil. 14. 15, 24. 26. 28. Athanaf. Contr. Arian. Orat. 4. Greg. Nazian. Orat. 40. de Baptif. Cryfo(t. in Yoh. r. Hom. 1. & Epft. 5. & Homil. 77. ad Antioch. (ut vulgo). Et ex Latins Tertullian. li. adverf. heref. cap. 3. & li. de pinit, cap. 6. Cyprian. de imitate Ecclef. cap. 12. & li. I. Epift. 7. ad Rogat. ?J° ii. , Epifl. 7. ad Mag. Ambrof. (ut vulgo) in Rom. cap. 9. Chro- nat. in Mat.5. Betides thofe after Pelagius, cited by Vous, ibid. pag. 567, &c. Among whom Bernard is large and earneft againft poffibility and convenience of PERSEVERANCE and SA L- VATIO N. Vows in his Thef 72. faith thus of thofe that will deny this to be the ancients Opinion , [gold quod Antiquitas tata indefef#ibilitati adverfatur, nec quemquam quantum merninffe valemos, veterans invenire efi qui fideles omnes omnimodam de perfeverantia fui certitu- dinern habere arbitraretur. Patentor guidon animos filiorum Dei dubi- tationis auxietate cruciari non debere cum fpei fsduciam habeant, que fuficienti confolatione, et lapfuros fisflinet et lapfos levet; At nihilomi- nus negant poste quemvis exinde quod imprefentiarum fideliuro fi in numero e fciat , tantum fibs de reliquo vita tempore favorem Dei certo polliceri, &c.--- -vid. cetera. Et addit [ Communem fuffe antsquitatis fententiam quam diximus, Poli hodie negare pount, qui cetera fortaje viriflint non ineruditi, fed in antiquitate tarnenplane font hofpites: vel animism habent unies et alterius fintentik ita mancipatum, ut carom ocrilis videre malint quam fuis cuing; üs errare preoptent quam cum aliis bene fentire. 278. As