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and (.5Vlordl Works. IOI 278. As I have cited this unanimous content of theAncients only to prove that all that have the profeffion of Chriftianity and Charity fhould be far from thinking this an intollerable error which may not ftand with brotherly love and peace, fo to the fame end only I (hall tellyou, that not only Calvinifts have born herein with Lutherans, but alto among theReformedforcehave been ofAugxfline's mind in this,whom yet the rett very highly honoured. I will now inftance only in Well- feu, than whom few have been efteemed morefncere impartial and found in judgment. In his Loc. Commun. (for their great efteem tran- flatedinto Englifh) C. de Rem peccat. 4. 6. pag. (mihi) 621,622,624. he faith LDifcernendum eft inter eamgratiam Dei qua nullas habet adje- ïlas conditioner : quails eft quod folemfuumproducit filer bonos 6, malos, pluitque fuper.gratos ?J° ingratos : 6, earnqua conditionaliter confertur 5 ad quern modum Peccatorum remiffio nabis contingit. Pofterior hec licet in Deo ft cónftans & firma (non enim fille mutatur ut homo) noftro tamen vitio irrita redditar, dune conditionibus illius nonRamus----Siquis igitur praterritorum peccatorum condonationem per gratiamDivine Cle- mentie confequutus, orque adeo ingratos, t falutis flex negligent evaferit, ut inder canis advomitum reverfus, captam reßpifcentiam rumpat palamq; oIlendat Deum fe contemneremagis quant timere; plane dignum fe efe declarat a quo preterritorum peccatorum a quibusfuerat abfolutus, plena exigantur.----Haïlenus igitur fieripote(t, &merito accidit, utfined accepta gratia reddatxr irrita : verum non cleebetur hoc Divina dementia infra- bilitatis qua locum in Deo non habet 3 fed nolira pravitati----Poffet mihi objici boo loco, relapfum ejufmodiper quernpeccata femel remiffaceddantur irrita, locum in eleilis haberenon polje; immo ne in reprobis quidem ;quod ills' remit(onis peccatorum, capaces effenequeant eoquad vera 6, vivafide per quare illa acquiritur, præditi nonfnt; ideoque neminem efe prorfes, inquopeccatafemel remiffairritafieripont. Verum cos qui hocargumento ducuntur moneo, ut de reprobis quod dicunt diligentius perpendant 3 De Eleélis confentio : De reprobis veronulla ne illis unquam peccatorum re- muffle contingat, difputari po/fe intelligo. Dantur illis inEp. adHebr. 6; illuminati° per Chriflum, guftus doni ctelellis, participatio Spiritus Sandi, gulius item boni Dei verbi, ac virtutumfuturi feculi; &cap. 5o. Sandi- ficatioqua eft per fanguinem 7eframenti, & Spiritus gratia. Et 2 Pet. 2. Comparantur fui, quaobi Iota fuit , rurfus in canovolutatur. _Quomodo bac illis fine omni peccatorum remiffione contingere pont, non immerito quari poteft in bac caul.] 279. But Alvarez telleth us (1. so. de Auxil. Difp. 504. pag. 459. §. r.) of forcewho hold that there is a Grace of Confirmation diftinguiflied only by the degreeof the famehelps, which nonecan fall away from 3 and that a confirmed frate is never loft, is ordinarily heldby the Domi- nicans, though they agree not what this confirming Graceis : And many of the Jefuites confefs fuch a state of Confirmation , making men im- peccable as to Mortal fin. So that Come are in fessu and not only in decreto, fecured fromApoftacy, moft confefs. 280. And ivofue ubi fupra copioufly laboureth to prove that the Ancients held three degrees of true Grace : One whichmen might fall frqm eafily, andoft did, thoughif they had dyed in it they had been Paved : Another whichmen may lofe as to thea&at leaft, but fcarcely asto all feeds andhabits. And another (tate nextto perfe&ion, which none (hall lofe. I refer the Reader to his Colle&ions, though I do not clearly perceive by them, that many had fuch diftin&ions of Believers: But the wean, and thefirong or confirmed all di(tingui(h. 28 r. But