Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

and Moral Work'. tó9 the Reltitude of his noble creature, *and virtually containing all good As co rue Papifts a&ions; and being the operation of the Spirit, by which he is faid to continualcalumnies,ehat dwell in believers. we call-meu jolt, whole god. 2. That this Retïitude or Holy Nature is firft and radically buethd andl`nkeoat empú a&ive , in our Complacency or Difpliceney, Love orHatred 5 And that tea, and without inhe- what aman Habitually loveth, that his Will is habitually inclined to : rent )unite, weabhor y both their confufion and And againftthat which he habitually hateth. their calumny , and di, 307. 3. Thatyet inacing, this inclination worketh freely, and al- flintily tcouncthem this ways is fpecifi'ed by the condo& of the intelleït , which mutt tell us hold a conditional uni. what isGood and Evil, Amiable and Hateful. verfal pardon óf au, s z, But noda8ual pardon 3o8. 4. That LoveandHatred being pra&'teal Habits, do ever en- of the aeftruftive gage the will in fuch Pracical Refolutions , as are anfwerable to their nithmem, nor non -im. potation ofSin, till men nature and degree. areaulyconvertedfroní 309. 5. That noRefalution will prove Holy Loveand Inclination, but a wicked heart and life that which isfixed as proceeding froma fixed principle, which is like to and Repentance. anew Nature in us. 3. And then all Sin in- 3Io. 6. That this Refolution is firft de fine The Soul loving God ßái nil love ofGod, pre. and its own felicity in his eternalLove andGlory, is firít firmlyRefglved a holy, juft, and fober toadhere to God, and that felicity, andto profecute it to the lau in techs mortified and cea- 4. But fuch infir- all neceffary means. mines as you call Venial 3 r I. 7. That next the Soul firmly refolved of the ufe ofmeans in sins continue, and all our Goodoefs is culpa- general, is refolved alto to choofe and cleave to Jefus thrift , as the bly imperfeft. ;.Though Headand Summaryofall means, (as the Phyfician is as toPhyfick.) And the deftruftive punilh- fo refolveth to adhere to all the Effentials of Godlinefs and Chriftia. Re i ÿæ` nfieáonce Dlt nueth for ever : that is, 312. 8. Thatall this is done by the Intellects difcerning ofthofe folid that aweVeonce fine truth whichprove to ustheexcellency , neceflity and pollibility of 6. Our pardon and our allthe forefaid ends and obje&s. And he that knoweth not fixing and é venvaus by Grace free r kolding Reafons for hisRefolutions , cannot be expe&ed to havefixed the fake of the fatisfa-e Ref lutionc. cion, merits, and inter- ceffion ofChrift, whole 313. 9. That thefe general Inclinations , Love, and Réfölutions for perfefì RighteouCne(le God, for Means in general, for Chriff and all the Effeeitials of Godli- fulfilled that Law than nes and Chri ianit are con in theGodly and virtuallycontain a man had broken. 9. Ii f y, y i }' which Cenfe his rfeft Loveof and Refolution for every known duty , and againft every known ftighteoufnefs is laia aby Sin; but not acually : And thefe continue to thew themfelves in Ped Loftus becaufe hed d adhering pra&ically to thefe Obje&s, and inthe Pra&iceof a Godly it and the p fuffereoa erlon of fear a M us, Life. e- m dinar ; and (o it was the Meritorious caafe of all our Juftification, Grace and Glory. And what hash any Papift or other wrangler againft any of this ? Yea, we rejeâ their loofe Doftrine that fay as Pet. a).. Jofepb. Tbeol. Spec. 1.4. c. ro. p. sat. [Pe potencia ab/alma Gratia babitualie Foul final efJein eodem fabjeito (meaning in a predominant degree) cum percato mortali five aEisait five babituali : For as laid before againft Okam and Scotto on that point, they areinconfifient contraries, as life and not-living, light and darkoefs ; and their proofs of the contrary are frivolous. See Scot: in 4.d.16. Aliac. in s. 99. Greg. Armin. in r. d. rg.q.r. a. u. Gabr. ibid. Rada z. pp. Cont. 19. Soaves; in 3. p. To. 4. Difp. 9. Sett. 3.n. 8. all for this opinion. And againft it Acaso!: in i. d. 17. Board. a. Sell, 5. That a man cannot be juft fineyuftitia.inberente perpotentiam Dei abfolutam : Pet. de Lorca faith, ins. z. q. 24. a. so. d. oz. as the Proteftantsdo, thatBerraronMortale allvale (meaningfome one aft of a heinous Sin). May coaftft with Grace and the. Habit of Charity, but not the Habit of fuch a Sin (that is in predominancy)Q See Malderaiopinion, t, 2. q. n3. a. a. tá 8. P. 574, &c. who faith, that Dens remitiendo a enfam delet peccati maculam] and that [Macula is but the privation ofGrace quatenuefacit bominem Deogratun] that is, ofAcceptability or Lovelinefs : And accordingly he expoundeth thenature ofRemiffionof Sin, asI faid before. . And Brianfonm,4. q. 8.fol. a 15. C. D. diligently enquiring whatit is that remaineth after the Sin committed , can find nothingbut r. The Habit or privation of a good habit. z. And the Guilt which he calleth Reatam culpi; qua eft goadam obligati° ad panamdebitam alli culpe. Ilia (n) obligatio ell quedan Relatie realu, non funddta leper attain colpe , fed Japer effentiarh anima non nift ut colpa aatealia eft previa; which is jolt the Proteftant opinion, who fay that the Guilt is done away by forgivenels, and the Habit by Renovation, calling one Juftification, and the other Saniificacion i But we better diftinguilh Seaton colpe in fe, Pr Reatam pens feu culpe or ad papaw : One is the Reality of my being' a Sinner, or one that did Sin. (This is never done away). The other is the obligation to punifhment for that 9ini this is remitted. 314. 1o. That