Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

tae Of god's government, cóurfe of his life, doth live by Faith, andnot by fenfe, this is the true evidence of trueConverfion ; and noSins are damning whichconfift with this. 325. 20. But becaufe the truth of this mull: be difcerned, not only by prefent Senfe and Refolution, but by practice to prove that Refolu- tiontrue, therefore nomancan be certain of the fincerity of his own heart, and refolutions and repentance, but by the practice of willing univerfal obedience, forfaking grofs and wilful Sinning, performing ne- ceffary duty, ftriving to overcome infirmities, and heartily defiring perfect Holinef, upon terms ofMortification, Self-denyal and diligent ufe of means. 326. Therefore much finning will at leaVebreedmuch doubtfulnefs and uncertainty ofJuftification and Salvation , and till it be forfaken no fuchcertainty will be had. SECT. XXII. Few certain of Salvation : The Confequents of this in order to our .Concord herein. 327.. I conclude therefore that certainty offuftification and fincerity is not the lot of the weakeft or weaker fort of Chriftians, but of the firong confirmed chriftians only. Byweak Chriffians, I meannot thofe that have weakefi natural parts and common gifts (as Learning, Memory, Utterance,.&c. ) But thofe that have the weakeft Faith, Hope, Love, Humility, &c. For Grace is not certainly difcernable. s. In the leaft de- I wonderthat worthy gree. 2. When it is little in action. 3. 'When it is much cloudedand oft- Deodate, and Troncbinen conquered by its contrary : But only when, T. It is firong and in a good in their at degree, 2. And much in act, 3. And conquereth oppofition. fay,pag.4q,go. Nottt¡am, g fcnfam, certitndrnem ¡(figs 328. Therefore few Chriftians have Afurance at the firfl (or of a Dena eletlis in bay confrderable time ;) becaufe few are firong at firli. vita lart rar modo , men- lora, tempero quo tpfipia- 329. Yea , therefore few ever attain to certainty who are fincere, eee : Nect augs e/I ete¡ägn, becaufe molt are hill weak, and few come to firengtte and a great otan cationic capace non ante mortem, cerf: n- degree, and to much activity, and great conqueit of all the contrary maw Ohm decreti per aa- Sins, ofheart and life. flown per Spiritism San- flan acc¡prat. I hope 330. This being the cafe about certainty of'ufiification; as to the they mean but an eifeft certainty of perfeverance might a man judge by the conveniencies , of manftt Texts cited The the truth, it would draw us to think that the middle way of the Do- many by , them, elfeprove it noe. minicans and forceothers were the right viz. r. That the lee degree (or faífi) of true Paving Grace is fometimes loft finally andfilch perifh; But 2. That they who obtain confirming Grace, by a greater degree do never lore it. For fo the Angels and Adam fell from the fi'rfi degrees for want of Confirmation : And many think (though it is not proved) that had they, overcome in the firft (or Tome more) tryal, they Ihould have had confirmingGrace for a reward. And the good Angels are confirmed (whether by reward or sneer gift or nature we knownot). 2. This would fiveChriftians from that uncomfortable thought [i mußgofurther than ever filch andfinch a one did who fell away , and had lived flrictly and fuferedpatiently, or elfe- i cannotbefaved. For if this be true, aman may be Paved who goeth no further, ornot fo far as force have done that fell away. 3. This will keep men from fecurity and prefumption, in a Rate of weaknefs, and keep them in a necefary fear of falling away; that