Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

116 Of god's government, SECT. XXIV. The fum and end ofthis Difcourf ofcertain Perfeverance. 339. The end and fum of all that I have faid of Perfeverance is but this, that the controverfie is neither, I. Offuch weighty nor, 2. Of fuch facility and certainty, as that it thould be made neceffary to our charitable converfe or Church Communion to hold either this orthat: But we fhould number it with the dogmata not to be impofed on others, nor fit to make any breach in the love and concord of Chriftians; and for my part, I profefs that I take him for the worfer Chriftian ceteris paribus, whom I hear with difaffe&ion blotting the names of others with notes of unfoundnefs and culpability , for diffetiting in this point on one fide or other, either as holding or as denying the certain Perfeverance of all the juftified , than thofe that differ from me in the point it felf, without any proud fupercilious confidence. And that it is to be numbred with Tolerable opinions I have proved by thefe Arguments, in fum, I. That which is fo difficult that very few of the Learned and Godly Teachers of the Church in all ages could difcern a certainty of it, cannot be a point fo great or clear, as to be made neceffary for all Chriftians or all Paftors ofthe Church to agree in: But fuch is this : For my part I profefs that though my judgment incline more one way than the other , it is with no certainty that I am in the right, and I fee fo great difficulties after my hardeft ftudies and fearch, that my inclination is not without much doubt- fulnefs: And humility and modefty forbid me, to profefs a certainty or too much confidence for a Do&rine, which I openly fay, I cannot prove or find that any one Chriftian held of about z000 years after be thudsJ,vini4say the Apoftles layes, * I have not read all Books, and therefore there doubtte may have been Tome fuch that I know not of : But I know of none, that I remember for a far longer time. I know the Learned Bifhop Robert Abbot and others cite Augufiine as on that fide; But it's pall all controverfie, that it is not all the juftified but only all the elect whofe Perfeverance he afferted. And I amnot he that would be feparated from the Communionof all the ancient Churches, and Doétors, and all the Greeks and Lutherans of thefe times. Methinks we Ihould learn of the Papßs at leaf} to be moderate in our cenfures, when they who are fo much for Impofitions do yet bear in part of this, with one another, in the controverfies between the Dominicans and Jefuites. 340. 2. Myother reafon is, as to the comfort ofmen's Souls, bow little is the difference between thefe two conclufions. [i am uncer- tain that every weak Chriflian fhall perfevere.] And [I am uncertain whether I my felf (hall perfevere.] The firft is the Arminiatts, and the fecond is all or almoft all weak Chriftians conclufion in the world : For I have fully proved elfewhere, I. That the finfulleft and worft fort of true Chriftians have not -a certainty of their own Sincerity and Juftifi- cation, nor are they fit for it : Nay , that it is only firong, aelive Chriftians who attain to fuch Affurance : 2. And that there are but few firong aluive Chriftians comparatively in the world. 3. Yea, but few that will fay [ram certain that Iam fincere andjuflified] (excepting thofe