Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

and Moral Works. thole that fpeak it opinionatively or prefumptuoufly, experience fatif- fieth us. 4. And that one that is uncertain that he is juiiified at all, cannot be certain that he (hall perfevere in Juftification , I need not prove. So that by our own common Dol nine and Experience, it is few true Chriftíans that are certain of their on Perfeverance and Sal- vation: And what doth this comfort themmore than their Doetrine, who fay that it is not certain in it felf, that any befides the ftrong confirmed Chriflians, and the Eleft (hall perfevere? and that we can be certain of the Ele&ion of none but the confirmed and the per- fevering. 341. I confefs it is a great comfortto doubtingfearful Souls, ifthey can foundly thus argue, in their doubtful Rate , [I am fure Thad true Grace once, and I am fure nonefall quire away that haveit : Therefore I am fure Ihave itffill.] But, T. Even this could be the comfort of none but thofe few that were once of the firongerfort .of Chriflians : For no other can fay. [I am fure that I had true Grace once]. 2. And that pre- fent fenlc of fin which maketh them doubt oftheir prefentfincerityBoth ufually make them as much doubt of their paff fincerity. 3. And though fuch a comfort I think be due to a caufelefs and melancholy doubter, (who fearethunjuftly) which is fetcht from former perceived fincerity, yet iris not fit for all Chri/lians that are fain into fuchdoubts. For if a man be fain as fistful, as will (land with any fincerity, (even in grofs Sin) it: is not fafe for that mañ to argue, L. am fure that l once was fincere in my obedience; therefore I am fure it is foAll] for the reafons which I gave before But by Repentance he muff make fure that heis truly obedient, that hemay be fure he wasfo. 342. For my partI will labour as earneftly as I can to make lure both thatI am fincere and juftified and (hall perfevere , and I will be none of thofe that (hall command, commend , or encourage caufelefr troublefome fears : But preventing fear is the means of perfeverance Heb. 4. i. Having a promife left res of entering into his reff, let us fear left any ofyou fhould feem to come fhort of it, Joh. r4.4, &c. Abide in me and I in you.---- 6. If a man abide not in me, he is calf forth as a branch and is withered, and men gather them and caff them into the fire, and they are burned. 7. If ye abide inme andmy words abide in you, ye (hall as what ye will As the Father bath lovedme, fo have I lovedyou : Continue ye in my love. Ifye keep my command- ments ye Pall abide in my love--- -Joh. 8. 31. Ifye continue inmy Word, then are ye my Difciples indeed. So Col. r. 23. pam. And I will never reproach , or cenfure, or difaffelt fuch men as holy Bernard (though I am not of his opinion) who faid Berm. r. de septuagef. [uis poteft dicere Ego de eleliis funs ? Ego de pr,edeflinatisJim ad vi- tam aternam? Ego de nun,.sro funs filiorum Dei? Jis hacinquam di- cere poteff, reclamante nimirum, Nefcit homo f amore dignos fit an odio ? Certitudinem igitur non habemus : sed fpes fiducia confolatur nos, &c. SECT. ì