Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

and é7Vloral Works. I19 349. Though where there is more love to the Creature than toGod, there is no true Sanftification (fpeaking of rational and not of fenfual love) ; Yet where there is more fear ofGod than love to God, there may be Grace, though weak, fo be it God be loved above the Crea- ture. 35o. ADeath-Bed, or late Repentance, is then acceptable, and fufli- cient topardon, when it is the Heart or Love that is thus turned from the Creature to God habitually ; fo thatif theperfondid recover, hewould live to God : otherwifeit is uneffestual ; not becaufe too late, but be- caufe unfound : But becaufe fear is ufually the principle of fuch mens Repentance, it is much tobe fufpeéted, though not difpaired of. 351. Thedayof Grace is never pall with any man while life continu- al], fo as that ifhe truly repent, he Jha/l not be forgiven : Forthat is con- trary to the Gofpel-Covenant. But it is fo far pall: with fome, as that after their obftinate forfeiture, the Meant, Help, and Grace of Repentance (hall notbe given them, nor brought fonear themas they were. SECT. XXVI. Offinal yu1lification, and howPaul and James agree about nJtification by Works. 352. Having laid this muchof constitutive juflification, and the not- lopes of it, and affuranceof it and its continuance, and touched the fecond and third forts of Juftification, (fentential andexecutive) as they are-here in the way, I neednot fay muchof them as after this life,becaufe it may be gathered fromwhat is laidofPardonand Juftification conftitu- tive : Yet a little I will add. And r. At death a particular doom is paffed on the Soul as feparated : But whether onlyby execution and felf- convi&ion, we know not. 353. TheRefurre&ion as fuck is a common efell of Redemption, in Job. ,, 25, 26, right antecedent tomens well or ill deferving:And therefore allare railed by Chrift. 354 The Juftification ofBelievers at the lift day, will be that great Juftification, to which all that went before were but means, and im- perfell. 355. Chrift :will be here both Judge and Advocate, and as both jultifie Believers: And he will be the condemning Judge of the Wicked. 356. All men (hall be then judged according to their Works or Deeds done in the Body, whether Good or Evil. * iris a grofsover-fight 357. To be juftified then will not be to be judged finlef, (as is Of D. Petavitu, Elen. aforefaid) but to be judged one that by Gods Law (which mutt be Ì;er. toacknooledgeno the norma judicii) is not to be damned to Hell, but to he glorified in other Rcatus but obliga- Heaven, or to be fentenced to endlefs life, and acquit from this Accu- lionad plenam; when as fatíon that we are damnandi, or to bé punifhed inHell. And in order [here is, s. &taus fah. 1. culpie , which is the violationof the Precept. 3.Ad panam,whirh refulteth from the threatning.And worfe,p.rro.that non orinepeccatum ell culpa fed hoc/alum quod ex volantate, rd eft,liberoarbitrio dr eieiirone eommittitur net imputatur in culpam nif ex deliberation da' libera volontatis tleeîionerrocedat. A'as, that God's Law mull he thus denied or depraved, that limn may be made no fin, and fo to need no Chrif or Pardon. cart. t. Analogically it is peccatum in anOx to go our of thefurrow : But properly nothing inman ispeccatum, but culpa : And all breaking a Law is enepa, and nothing elfe ispeccatum. o. Not to deliberate is a great anddual fin. 3. The omithon of the Wills eleftion or intention is fin, as well as an ill eleftion. Woe to him that repenteth not of thefe, and is nor pardoned them. t0