Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

I 20 Of god's : government, a Tolet inROM. 3. Annoi 17-E/tius in Rom. 3. z8. de Vega P 99 fay of ttficá- tion by Faith , as the 2ròte/tants do. Vid. e'r Stapleton. de ,3affif. li. 8. C. alt. e'r Bellow. de 3nfti f . l . z. 0. 7 , 1 0, 1 1 . Saare?de Grat. 1. 7. e.7. n. 2.9. Tapper. art. 8. de .ïaltif p. zs, z6, z7. Yafqa. in t.2. difpat.9oL. e. 6. .- 5. Co/ter.Hne6ir. P. to this, to be fentenced fuch as have the true caufesand conditions of Right to Impunity and Life: whichare, I. Immediately the gift of this Right by God himfelf in his Covenant, with Chrift the Fountainof it. 2. A trueRight and Relation toChrift as our Head andSaviour, and the onlyMeriter of this Covenant-Gift, and ysoflification, and Adoption, by hishabitual, activeand paffive Righteoufnefs and sacrifice, advanced in dignity by Union with his Divine perfection. 3. True Faith and Repentance, with Love, Obedience and Perfeverance, as the title-con- ditionsrequired by the donativeand condonative Covenant. 358. As I have before Paid , that a man mutt be juftified at that Day from the charge of Infidelity by his Faith it felf ( and not by Chrift's Merits ) and fromthe chargeof Impenitence by his Repentance it felf; SoI add, that he mutt be juftified from the charge of Hypo crifi'e by hisfncerity, and from the charge of Rebellionby his fubjetlion, and from the charge of wiclednefs by final godlinefr and obedience, and from the charge of Apoftacy by perfeverance y But from the charge of his wickednefs before Conversion , and his pardoned fins and weak- ness Pince, only by Chrift'sSacrifice and . meritorious Righteoufnefs, and the Pardon purchafedthereby, and given in the New Covenant. And from the accufationthat we are Sinners in general, we have no juttifica- tion at all. . . 359. 7udgn ent is the Genus, and ytiiificatioit, and Condemnatián are the species : Therefore to be judged according to our Works, is to be justifiedor condemned according toour Works. 36o. As I laid, that it is God's Juftice and Mercy, and Chrift'sRe- demptionof lis, which are chiefly tobe glorified at thatDay; but it is our perfonal Gospel-Righteoufnefs, or performance of the Conditions of the New Covenant, which is thento be tried, and we, and not Chr, that are tobe judged ; So I add, that the NewTeftament referring to this fore-feen, doth ufuálly fpeak accordingly, of juttifying us by Faith, byour mords, or by our works, that he that doth righteoufnefs is righteous, &c. And it fpeakethof that fame Righteoufnefs as eolith- tuting us juft first, by whichwe mutt be judged juif at tall. 361. It is very eafie therefore where prejudice blindeth not men, to fee the concord of Chrift's Paying, We are juftified by our words, and Paul's by Faith, and not by Works, and games byWorks, andnot by Faith only. Christ fpeaketh of a particularyuftification, from acommongreat Crime, a wicked Tongue as the sign or produi`tof a wicked Heart; And this mutt be part of the perfonal material Righteoufnefs, bywhich we mutt be juftified as true Chriftians. * Paul fpeaketh of our being juffified by being Chriftians, and not by keeping Mole's Lam, or doing any Works which will be to us inftead-of a Chrift or a free-given Par- don, and Righteoufnefs by him. And Yamer fpeakethof the full con- ditionof Juftification, ascontinued final and compleat, as it confitfeth of its effential parts. 362. The Key of' Underftanding Paul's Difcourfes of Justification is, to know, a. That the grand question whichhe firtt manageth is, Whe- ther the Gentiles may not bePaved without keeping the JewishLaw, as well as théJews with it ? 2. To prove the Affirmative, he proveth that the yews themselves cannot be ravedor justified meerlyor primarily by the Law, notwithstanding the divinity andgreat excellencyof it; but muff be juftified by a saviour, and free-given Pardon and Right to Life, and to which the fiucere keeping of Mace's Lawwasintended tobe but fub- fervient. 3. That therefore it appeareth, that theYews did fo fondly admire