Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

I 2 2 Of yotf'1' yovernînent, Leg. Flotsam - in Thef.Sal- vin- de hifee. Vol. e. & Conrad. Bergiam in Pros. Cat bol. er Le Blank, Thep, de Juß.andour Mr. Gib- bon's Seem of Juliet. in the Morning-Exercifes. at Giles in the Fields. Faceto de ,7ufbzf. Cont. Xellarm. L. u, c-7 p469 Nos imputari nabis Chrilli ja/ütiam ut per eam far- maltter jufli nominemur er fimus, neq; diximees unquam , neq;. fentimtu , ut aliquoties jam oflendi- mua t rd cairn pugnaret , non minus cum relia retie- ne gaam fi retes inWide abjolutusdieeret,fe demen- tia justices demands fbi vitam, formaliter jaftum ef%, &. ( Chrift's Righteoufnef as offeredus ) is the inftrumental caufe of our Juftification; and thatto look tobe juftified by any other aêt of Faith on Chrift, or on the Father, or Holy Ghoft, or on Heaven the final Objeft ( God in Glory ) , or fecondarily as fubfequent parts of the condition of Salvation, by Repentance , by praying for Pardon, by forgiving others, by Obedience to Chrift, &C- is to look to be jufti- fied by works in the fent that Paul excludeth them ; this is but to abufe the Gofpel and the Church, by a fcandalous mifinterpretation of agreat part of the NewTeftament. 364. St. fames therefore having to dowith fome who thought that the bareprofeon of Chriftianity was Chriftianity, and that Faith was a meer affent to the Truth, and that to, believe that the Gofpel is true, -and trust tó be juflified by Chrift was enough to Juftification, without Holinefs and fruitful Lives, and that their fin and barrennefs hindered not their Juftification, fo that they thus believed ( perhaps mifunder- ftanding Paul's Epiflles ) doth convince them that theywere miftaken, and that when God fpakeofyu.{liftcation by Faith, without the works of the Law, he never meant a Faith that containeth not a refolution to obey him in whom we believe, nor that is feparated from aAual Obedience in the profecution ; But that as we mutt be juftifiedby our Faith againft thecharge of being Infidels, fo muft we be juftified by our Gofpel perfonal holinefs andfincere Obedience againft the charge , that we are unholyand wicked, or impenitent, or Hypocrites, or elfe we ¡hall never be adjudged to Salvation, that is, juftified by God. All this then is paft controverfie among confederate under¡tand- ing men, a. That Works juftifie us not asperfect, according to theCove- nant of Innocence, becaufe we have them not. 2. That the Works or keeping of Mote's Law, as conceited fufficient, or as let in oppofition againft, or competition with a Saviour or freeGift, or any otherwife than as the exercifes of meer Obedience under Chrift (as Mary, Za. chary, Elizabeth, Simeon, yohn Baptf, David, &c. ufed them,) could juftifie noman. 3. That confequently no other Works let up either in the laid oppofition or competition, oras any thingof Merit, or worth is afcribed to them, which is proper to Chrift, or anypart of the honour of Gods free Gift, can juftifie no man; nor any other way, than as weer conditions, andexercifes of thankful obedience or acceptance, in pure fubordinationto God's Mercy, and Chrift's Merits, and the free Gift. But that Works are not excluded from being conditionsof our jufti- fication, or the matterof it inanyof thefe following refpe&ts: 1. That Faith it felt, which is our act, and anael ofObedience to God, and is the fiducial accepting belief in God theFather, Sonand Holy Ghoft, for the benefits of the Covenant, is the condition ofour first Covenant- 'right to thefe Benefits. 2. That this Faith is not atlual Obedience to Chrifi as Chriff (at firft, but only toGod as God ). But it is theSouls fubjeclion to Chrifl as Chr, which is our Covenant-content to ourfuture Obedience, and virtually, though not rtclually containeth our future Obedience in it. 3. That there is fomewhat of love, confent or willing- nefs, of Defre, of Hope, of Repentance, which goeth to make up this moral work of Faith, asit is the condition; evenour first Chriflianity it fell. 4. That as themaking of a Covenant is for the performing of it, and fubjeclion is for Obedience andMarriage for conjugal Duties, fo our Paid firfl Covenanting-Faith is for our future Faith, Hope, Comfort, and grateful Obedienceand Holinefs: And thefeare the fecondary parts of the