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and (. Moral Works. 123. the conditionofSalvation : And fo are the fecondary parts of our Juftifi- cations, condition as continued or not-loft, and confummate : For to juftifie us, is, as is laid, to juftifie our Right. to Impunity and Glory. 5. That, as is faid, our own performance of the condition of the free Gift of Impunity and Glory by the New Covenant purchafed by Chrift's 'Righteoufnefs, is thething tobe triedand judged in Gods judg- ment 5 And therefore we muít fo far be thenjuftifzed from thecharge of not performing that condition, of beingInfidels , unfanaified impeni- tent Hypocrites, Apoftates, and fo of having no part in Chrift and the free Gift, even byour perfonal Evangelical .Faith,`Holinefs, Repentance, sincerity and Perfeverance. And all this juftification by WorksStaines is for, and it is undeniable byany thingbut prejudice, ignorance, and fiding pievifhnefs. Let the Reader of quick underftanding pardonmy repeating the fame thing, which others will not yet underftand. 366. Chrift's Sermons, Matth. 5.6 6.7. & to. & 13.2M 18. 6. 2r. andLuk. 6.& s I t2.6. 16.6, 18.6' 19. and 7oh. r.& 3. & 5:& 6,&c. with all the Sermons in the Ads, and all the Catholick Epiftles of Peter, games, jade and john, and Paul's Epift. to the Rom. Chap. a. 2. 4. 6. 7.8. * Me-thinks Janfenius 12, &c. Gal. 5. &6. and a great part of the refs ofhis Epiftles, are greatly wrongeth his made up of this Doftrineof * Grace which I have afferted; And the etitat Pr ml ÿs readingof themwill better inftruót you in the true finkofRemiffon and Aagaltinas intelligestia,n rtflifcation, than molt Treatifes written on that Subject which I have divins gratis a 7e/tamerzti fide iredar Peen. yerait fidelibus dr eccte- 367. Theperfection ofJuftification and Pardon will be by the final P- we should fay, executive ail, the taking thejuftified into Glory. theyi would take tie for a note of novelty and errour: was the Church for 400 years ignorant S E C T. XXVII. of Grace and funda- mental, Verities ? Con- Of thefeznnefr c" the glorified andthe many that peri fh ,s pl ink that thriftai Doarine in hisSermons, and the 368. Though it be comparatively but a little Flock, and part of this world to whom God will give the heavenly Kingdom , yet the curious writings, plain- number will in it felf be exceeding great. And it's very probable that çeffary e1Goftrine a of (this Earth beinga very littlepuniumof the Creation) that taking all Grace: yea even the God's rational Creatures together, thenumber of the damned will be creeditielfcontainethit. found a very fmall number in comparifon of the bleffed 5 even as the Malefa&ors in the Jailes are to the Subjects of the Kingdom. For the worlds aboveus are incomprehenfibly vaft and glorious 5 And the Text telleth us, Heb. 22. 22. That we are come to an innumerable company of Angels : Though the proportions be unknown to us, I fpeak this again, that miftakes tempt not men to unworthy thoughtsof theinfinite amia- ble goodnefsof God, orof, theChriftian Faith. 369. And what the Saints do want in number, they fhall have in excellency, to glorifie the goodnefs of God. The little Flock which fhall havethe Kingdom, (hall be all Kings and Priefts, and (hall judge the world ( Judgment in Scripture is much put for Government) : They fhall be equal withAngels, and fhining Stars inour Fathers Firma- ment, and flail fit with Chrift uponhis Throne: And thall in a word, in the perfectionof their Natures, perfeâly know, loveand praife, obey and delightin God, in a perfe& fociety in the fight of Chrift's Glory, and beafuredof this to all eternity. Amen. And we fee in Gods Works of Nature, high Excellencies are rare. There are not fo many Suns as Stars, norStars, asstones, or Leaves, or R. 2 Trees 5