Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

The Third Part OF . _ - , GOD'S GRACIOUS OPERATIONS o MANS SOULt AND THE SUBOPERATIONS MANS WILL: For the Ending the Contentions about Suuicient and EffeIual, Common and Special grace, and Free-Vhill , The Preface: g, r: 3!)47P. E firfí Part of this.Treatife,though largeít,and ; fulleft of mens contentious- Queítionsand opinions; is earìheítfró l the true pointof the difference and difficulty; which troubleth the Church ; And is made. Lrge by accident, by way óf difquifition'and deteftion ofthemany enfnaring queftions andvaut ' or hurtful wranglingsofthe, Schoolmen. The second Part cometh nearer our chief Controverfies, and refolvetdd many other on the by ; and containeth the fumet of thatpart of Theologie which is molt clear, and lure, and neceffary. Bbbb This