And the Sub-operations of 4an's Till. SECT. 1. The prefuppofed Principles. Ì. r He way ofGods operation on fouls, yea, or bodies, of any creature, is fo unfearchable, that I had rather filence, than pre- tend to decide abundance of the Controverfies long agitated about it; And had not mens audacious decifions, and furious contentions .( not 'yet allowing the Churches peace) made it accidentally necefläry to reprefs their prefumption and their error , I fhould reverently have palled by much that I mutt now meddle with. But the cure muff be fuited to the difeafe. 2. So much as is *intelligible herein, is divine, and honourable, and * See a notable difcoúife amiable; and the profped of Gods Providence is delectable to the wife. oferadwardine of mans For his works are great, and wonderful fought out of them that have IItçle knowledge ofGod, g I , li. T. C. T. Or. 32. contra pleafure therein. Philof. which excellently .3. The nature or the order of therm cannot be knownby the tingle cafeketh audacityinthis confideration of particular effeéls; but by beginning at the original, and proceeding orderly from the fuperiour Caufes to the inferiour, and feeing how every thing worketh in its proper capacity and place : which man can do but very defectively ; and therefore knoweth but little or in part. ?). 4. It is neceffary therefore that I briefly löok back to the Principles of Providence and A lion ; which were partly mentioned before, where UNITY in TRINITY fhineth to us in God and in his works. 5. 1, GOD is ONE INFINITE SPIRIT, in THREE ESSEN- TIAL VIRTUES or PRINCIPLES, LIFE ( or ACTIVE POW- o1 a tv Dens et sow ER ) UNDERSTANDING andWILL, t which are wonderfully ONE It¢ntia dr Potentia ratio in ESSENCE, yet THREE we know not perfectly how; but as the pals., habeas intelleEtwo dr Uberamvolutatem, cog. Scotifts fags formaliser, or rather as the Nominals, by connotation of anfcens atiaa/itér & zr their objets and operations ad extra, arid fo by Relation, and extrinfck lens. Denomination. Not that Life, Intellect andwill, are formally the fame in God as in the Creature, or can formally be conceived byus ; But that while we mull know God in a Glafs, mansfoulmull be this Glafs, and the Scriptures mull be our onomditicott and Logick Books, and we mutt ufe fuch Notions and Nantes of God, or none. p. 6. * Thrfe Principlesas Tranfcendent inPERFECTION, are called Bra lmar lines language GREATNESS t (or OMNIPOTENCE) WISDOM andGOOD- is,DeamefpOmnipotentem NESS ( or LOVE) by names borrowed from their effects upon the fvevli: tcaptencori. creatures. n7 1. 5 . 7. This ONE GOD, is revealed to his in THREE PERSONS, t eommuniter antiqui The FATHER, the rbye- (Wifdom, Word andSon) and the HOLY ¿ lag; hintre, dde Intel. 1. SPIRIT. One in Effence : incomprèhenfibly Three, .ad into; ; but di- téntia operative Dol qua/; fcernibly Three, in their operations ad extra, andRRelation.t thereto, de Potentiis ration fill 1. 8. As we muff conceive of GODS ESSENCE by INADÆ- ¡i"ú peutiiaareettuurraítatut' OpATE Conceptions, (as aforefaid) or ndt at all, fo mutt we of his tom Magif. Thom. soc. EXISTENCE as in the Creature we call it Modally; viz. His ES- Rip 4e§ Vann: rDd. SENCE being é¢ln (fubftance,) VIRTUS t PERFECTIO ( which in And he contrad,F mg is the Creature, is MATTER ('or fubftance) FORM and DEGREE) : faith as much, rrihilomi- minusintro eafdem lineas and his FORMAL VIRTUS being Potentia-Vitalas, Intellect and will dr.gradas inteueotus & fo his Exigence is confiderable, j. InVIRTUE it felf, radically, (whleh voLcntatis di ingaimes Potlotiam exec ivam uC is Potentia "'diva Inclinata.) 2. As in Aìt, IMMANENT, objective- p¢rtem earundemi'otentia. y, (as Gods felfliving, fell - knowing and fey -loving.) 3. And as rom : Butlers aptly. in