Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

Of CCod's gracious Operations on Man's Soul: in ACTION ad extra, either objectively or effetRively TRANSIENT.' And in this third refpea Gods Effence is the Operator of ail his works. (). 9. TheThree Divine Principles (Vital-arrive Power, Intellect and will) and the Three DivinePerlons, ( Father, word and Spirit ) do al- wayes infeparably co- operate ; But fo as that there is a "I rinity alto of their Impreons or Veftigia, which are anfwerably to have a Trine attribution, each Principle being eminently apparent in his own imprefft- en, though with the rel. . Io. Gods WORKS are CREATION , GOVERNING , and PERFECTING : And fo he is r. The firft EFFICIENT OF ALL BEING EX Quo (by creating and continuing, which are as one.) n. The DISPOSING or GOVERNING Caufe PER uEM; 3. The END, AD 011E/1,1, 6. IN QUO perfciuntur. ?r. la. God having given a BEING to the Creatures, and their vat:, ous.fpecies of being, is after by PROVIDENCE to manage them as ,Rive or Pave in their feveral Capacities : And the ACTIVE. Na- tures are threefold which hehath made tooperate on the threefold Paf- (Ives ; viz. INTELLECTUAL, SENSFTIVE and IGNEOUS ( or. VEGETATIVE in its proper matter ) upon AIR , WATER and EARTH. . I a: GOD is fo Active as not to be at all PASSIVE. All the ActiveCreatures are firft Pave as receiving the Influx of t .e felt Cau,e, and Inferiours from the Superiour fecund Gaulés : But they are Natural- ly ACtive in that dependence, and fuppofing that Influx. 13. The works of Providence about the Exilent Creatures, are MOTION caufing Motion: GUBERNATION canting ORDER : and ATTRACTION. or meet obje&ive Termination, fatis-ÿmg their Appe- * cyprianus ft exPetcdt cites, and giving them their Ends, I c' fism:Et> 0, 14. MAN being endowed by his Creator with his Image, in Vital o emvt, visarans. In 'tette Cr.-,:e, ix FiI o vi- Aitive-Power, Intellect, and Freewill a Threefold Virtue in Ore, as cite `nimds, in Sß'iri'rs Saran i r are,n:n : raren ei2 pons Í°rrnal E;Jence of hisfaul, is peculiar=y fitted for fuch acts ofProvidence as oWtis effe;:tis; Delius eft he mull be under. Vita ; spitirut Sa,:.%ls I g As the higher andNobler Natures are under God the Iminedi= el agi,ator tea motor itode Out Hebt. row,/ na- ace I. rv-icvers, a. Governours of the Inferiour ; foal:are they, 3. Their ber ruin, gnod fe -úleat Immediate or neaten End ; having a Goodnefs in them fitted to attract, e,:dtltnia,y, cari -,m r' terminate amid fatzsfie the Appetites of the Inferiour: God is not the on- -via. s rigct. inMeland. 'ly ena of Appetites.. ;Luc co,r e g. 9a a, 16. The Acts of Divine PROVIDENCE about MAN exilent, }Ih'4 occttadroz+- .di a' are, r. Action or Mc?ian , 2. Special Government, 3. Lomme. From e hence. God is Rclatec. io Man ( the fundamental Relation of CREATOR e 'tapi fe quacuxqu ' ..) :+ r fhs ACTOR vet MOTOR, z. As RECTOR, 3. AsAMI ax- ¡a ma a Er c. 3 cor.3. tua, vel FINIS, Lover, Benefa&or andEnd. a. ACTION as fuch is od 'tea tes p-cuS at,- troni Cod in the fill relation. a. Action as ORDERED is by him in quid fa.ere, yi erts fa- , ileac, lem immediate- the fecund. 3. Action asTERMINATED FINALLY and inperfetti at q"otibet alio fadeout on is in bina in the third. :Etc4. cor. 3. eadeìn . de Deo erasure ; taking r': creation inferreth Propriety ; and making us Good and inter do- ímmedianon for eras:- na and act b.nurn inferreth that God is our Benefactor: So that ab asinine autel foceredrmo- ,rÉ for ehe ait,on as he Handing in there three Relations to usy from what is pal, he is to di(pofe loch and not for the of us by Providence accordingly. meet-moral fpeco cation 18. Gods Omnipotence is moft confpicuous inCreation ( propriety); andcomparability. and Motion : His raifdom in Governing andOrder : and his Goodwill rn our' Benefits (efficiently) and our Perfeítion ( finally ) in mutual Love. 19. MOTION is caufed by Moving force impreíl'ed : ORDER (moral)