Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

Of god's gracious Operations on Man's Soul : . 5. There is no Place where any corporeal being is , where`fonte .Aaive createdNature is not with it: fo that confidering the proximity and the natures, we may well conclude , that we know of no corporal motion under the Sun, which God effecteth by himfelf alone, without any fecond Caufe. O. 6. roh. Sarif6urienfas and fome Schoolmen liken Gods prefence with the Creature in operation , to the fire in a red hot Iron, where you would think all were Fire and all Iron : But the fimilitude is too low. The SUN is themolt Notable Inftrument in vifibleNature :. And GOD operatethon all lower things by its virtue andinflux ; Godand the Sundo what the Sundoth : and we know of nothingthat God moveth here on earth ( that's corporeal ) without it. 0.7. But the Sun moveth nothing ( as the Cartefans dream ) by a fingle Motive Influx alone; but by emiffion of its Threefold Influx (as every Attive Nature doth5) that is, Motive, Illuminativeand calefa- étive; which are one-radically inThree-effectively. 0. 8. This Efflux of the Sun is univerfal and equal expastefui: But caufeth wonderful diverfity ofeffeéts, without diverfity in God the primé Caufe, or in it felff The fame Influx caufeth the Weed and Dunghill andCarrion to ftink, and the Flowers of the fweeter Plants tobe Cweec fome things to live, and Come to dye; fome things to be foft, and fome hard, ere. In a word, there are few changes or various actions below (in bodies) which theSun is not the Caufe of, without difference in it felf : But not the fpecifyingCaufe. 9. The reafon why one equal Inflúx caufeth filch wonderful diverfi- ty ofmotions; is the DIVERSIIY of RECEPTIVE DISPOSITI- ONS and natures. Recipitur admadamrecipientis. So one poile maketh Various Motionsin a:Clock; Crc. è. to. God operateth on fecond Cadet, as Gods Omnipotently s but hot ad ultimum potentie, but Freely as he plea`'eth. 0. r u. Godworketh by fecondcarafes, according to the faidCaufes ap- titude ; fo that the operation of Infinite power is limited according to the quality of the fecond caùfe which God uteth. Ia. There is a fuperiority and inferiority among Spirits as well at Bodies And whether God work on all our fouls by fuperiour spirits as fecond Caufes, is unknown to us : It is not improbable, according to the order of his providence in other things : But we know little of it certainly. *., 13. Bat certain we are that fuperioùr Voluntary Agents, Angels-and Devils, have very much to do with our fouls, and operate much upon them. It is a wonderful power, which wife obfervers perceive Satan hath upon the Imagination, or Thinking faculty ; (of whichI could give fome inftances enough to convince a rational sadducee.) And it is not like that good Angels have letspower, skill, or will. (). 14. And we are Cure that God hath ordained OneGreat Univerfal record carafe to convey his Spirit and Grace by ; which is JESUS CHRIST. As the Sun is an Univerfal Caufe of Motion, Light and Heat, to Inferiour creatures, and God operateth by the Sun; So is drift let as a sun of Righteoufncfs, by whom God willconvey his fpiritual In- flux to mens fouls: and there is now noother conveyance to be expelled. p. 15. Chrifts HumaneNature united perfonally to the Divine and Glo- rified, is by theOffice ofMediator Authorized, and by Perfonal Union and the Fulnefs of deHolyspirit enabled and ftrted to this communication of Gods Spiritual Influx to mankind. . t6. Object.-