and theSub-operations of Man'sWill. t 16. ObjeEt. A Creature cannot he a Caufe of the Operation of the Holy Ghoft, who if God the Creator ; Sendïng ií the Ati ofa Superiour : But drifts humanity is not fuperiour to the Holy Ghoft. Anfw. r. Chrift as a Creature is no Caufe of any Effential or purer Immanent Aft ofGod ( for that hath no Cadre.) But t. He is a Caufe. of the Spirits operation, as it fignifieth the effeit ; i. And fo the caufe why his Att is terminated on the foul; and 3. Of the ordering of thefe effeti`s; why rather ón this foul than on , and at this time, mea- fore, ér e. And z. ThisChrift doth not as a fúperiour fender of theSpi- rit, but a Minerial, and a fecond caufe : Asa Matter payeth his fervatits as his Steward'determineth. p. 17. It is certain that Chrifl is the PoliticalCaufe or dead of this fpi= ritual Influxon fouls : that is, AsMediator is Authorized to determine of thePerlons, meafare; time, conditions, of the Communication ofthe Spirit:, But whether he be a Phyfical Head ofthis Influx, by proper efciencygiving the Spirit from himfelf, as the Sun giveth us its Influx, is all that is di fputable. That is, Whether the Spiritbe firft given Inherently to Chrift, andpats from his perfon ( as his ) unto us, as the Spirits do from the Head' to the Membersr 8. This queftion maybe put, either of all Natural Being and Mo- tion, or only of spiritual Motion in the foul of man. Whether Chrift be fo theHead ofNature , as that all Nature in Heaven and Earth, is fultained andaEtuárd by him as the phyfical efficient Caufe r or whether this be true of this ,bower world which was curft for fin e : oi' whether itbe true; at"lealt of Fiarnane nacre? or whether it be true only of Gracious_ operations? 59. r. That Chrift kath the Political difpofe of the wholeUniverfe ('contained in the words Heaven andEarth) the Scripture feemeth to áf- fert. 2. That he bath the Political difpofal of humane nature, and of all other creatures that belong toman, fo far asthey belong tohim ( Angels; Devils, Sun, Air, Earth, es'c.) is paff difpute. g. That the real phyfical ;leas (adsandhabits) of the Spirit on mensfouls, are caufedby Chrifts Moral Caufationby his Merit, aid his Political Million, , is paft difpute. 4. That betides all this, the Spirit it felf by Baptifm is inCovenant with all the members ofChrift, and thatas they are fuch, and is in a prior Co- venant firft Related to Chrift himfelf, and foby this Covenant given us in relation as we are united to Chrift, is paft difpute. 5. And that Chrift himfelf doth 'make fuch Phyfical cháiges on our fouls by Means, and by the forefaid Political Million of the Spirit, by which we are made Rece- ptive of more of the Spirits operations, is paff difpute. 6. But whether moreover, . anyAdron of ChriftsownHamane foul glorified do phyfically reach our fouls e or whether the Holy Ghoft may in its own effential Virtue ( which is every where) be faid to b,e more in Chrift than elfe-. where and communicated to us as from theroot í or the Spirits effeéts on the foul to come. by Refleétion from the firft effelts onChrift, as Light and Heatfrom the Sun by a Speculum or Burning-glafs, are quettions not for me. to determine. . ìo. Chriftsfpiritual Influx on fouls is not tingle, but is ever `Three in One (as the Sun's áforefaid,) which are according to the ThreefoldDi- vine Excellencies Communicated, and the Threefold humaneReceptive faculties; via. LIFE, LIGHT and LOVE : or fpiritual vivification, Allivity andPower, fpiritual illuminationof the intelleli, and fpiritual, Converfon or,sanitification of the will by holy ,Love+ Cccc ï .a1:Ie