Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

2 Of god's gracious' Operations on Man's Soul (). zs. It is certain that it is not only on believers that Chrift ope_ rateth by the ffirit : For he drawethmen by it to believe : and many wicked men that are not his eleft have common, even miraculous gifts of a Mat. 7.2i, 22, 23. Gal. the fpirit, * which are all. communicated by Chrift. 3. x, 2, 3. Heb. 6. $, 6. Cor. 14. 22. AsNature it felf is in his Political power, and is delivered to him, fo far as it is reparable, and belongeth to the reparation of man ;. fo . all gifts and operations Received byany in the world, which are Mercies contrary to comment, are the effects of Chrift : Even as the Sun f tineth in the night by theMoon, and in thedawning of the day by it felf unfeen, and after by it felf appearing; fo Chrift fliineth tothe Heathen world is abundance of natural and providential mercies, and by the help of many Creatures and experiences ; and to fome by nearer approaches, aswell as to the Church by the manifeftation of himfelf. All which is, evident, . Becaufe thewhole lapfed world in Adamand Noe were brought under, his own Covenant of Grace, according to which he operatethi z. In,, that fo much mercy after fin, will not ftand with Gods regiment by the meer Law of Innocency, violated. 3. In that Chrift, is exprefly called; Ole Saviour ofthe world and the Saviourof all men, efpeciahyof them . that believe; who dyedfor all, in that all weredcad, that they, that live fhould live to bin ; who rafted deathfor every man, &ç. And foh. s. 9, so, t a, t z. rhát mzs the trae light which-lighteth every mon coming in- to the world (orcoming into the world, lighteth every, man,) He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. And v.4, 5 . Inhemwas life, and the Life was the Lightofman :. and the Light fhineth in darknefl, and the darkneff comprehended itt not, &c. 0.2; . This threefold InfluxofChrifts Spirit ( for LIFE, LI GHT and LOV. E) is not equally eWellual on all, nor equally effectual on the fame perfonat feveral times, noreach part of the influxequally effe dual on the fame perfon at the fame time. The Reafons anon, Asto the Qvefiion be- tween the Schoolmen de fine 6). beatitndin., un- doubtedly the Thomifts errin placing it chiefly in the Intellea (And Medina and others give filly reafons for ir, and the swifts (of whom Rada well handleth it) are far righter : And ufgid. Romanos briefly and clearly tells us the truth, uodlib. 3. g. r8. p. 187. Beatitude eft in SECT. III: of the Operationsand Principlesits compared. s .P1rHoughPower, wifdomand Goodne:for Love, all co-op:rate by the 11 fpirit of Chrift 5 yet in the work of MansRecovery their Im- prefhions are not equal. But as POWER, with Wifdom and Love, more appeared in the CREATION, (as is aforefaid ;) fo W I S- D OM with Power, conveying, Love,, appeareth more inour Redempti- on ; and LOVE with Power and wifdom is molt confpicuous and il- ltltrious in our Renewed hate,, begunindeed by Sanétification, but perfeo in our GLORIFICATION. . * The Omnipotent Father (as is faid ) Createth Nature, with the Son and Holy Spirit.. The son, the . wifdomof theFather, is thePhyficionof fouls, andhealeth them bySKILL with Power andLove. The Holy Ghoft, called by the Schoolmen, The L.OVE of God, dwelling and working peculiarly in us to and in per- feilion, with power and wifdom, is the PERFECTION of the - foul : And fo Natura, ,Medela, sanitae, are the various effects of the Divine operation. (). 2. Therefore the SONS operation in procuring and commun= - eating the SPIRIT ; (ofLove and Holinefs) is eminently fapien- liat 3. The