Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

And the ,Sub,opepattons of Man's Will. t). 3. The Imprefîons of all the Divine virtues are excellent, in their align iter 6 i á9= feveral kinds : And it's hard for us to fay that this is limply more excel- , ;1 lin 11tm é lent than that : But we can lay, which is more fuitable to the nature of '/:8t88.8, plia9' bzbe, lia_ tic=ern fi' ' fab. 1tiaedo; man, to be efteemed and Loved by him. And fo we die= the Ìry uref= aporie!pod 1,88818::doprin- fions of wifdom and hove asmolt fuitable to us. pa r fit inn objr 4. AHorfe or Oxe excelleth Manin ftrength, and a Bird or Hareor CIa & sonftguennr . fm.' litert Dog in fo iftnefs ; and a Mountain and an Oak in Greatnefs : And vet we to. Nam '. Voatre ß. -Var b at in ya: account the wifdom and Moral Good/le/of man to be a greater excellency, 1,1 64ectem tendit fi',ati- and to makehim the morenobleCreature. t tee a Id per foam area ndit -in objeftam forma- 5. And God feemeth to tell it us, t. By calling there bis Image. 1ì8a8: Exgrraappnu visit 2. And bymaking man the Lordof thefe fironger Creatures. bearit;:d4 fit matirin ip¡d objecîo Young quant in; (): 6. And among men, we take himnot for themolt excellent who is aan: quia ratio ftn eft theftrongeft, but whois the wife/l and the heft. And therefore the wifefi" nages in obte2o gn2n i,: and Beta arebyAriftótle laid to be born by Nature to Pule the refs: and Éycupuebsc fear tró é by all lober men are thought tobe the Fitteft to Guide and Rule others ; for beaciorda s For Bra aau- ( how feldom foever it comethto pals :) while theRobufter fort are La- todo qua taco is not the principal end of man; bouliers and Mechanicks. bat God as God in his ó7. Yet I denynot but the effect is anfwerable to the Caufe ; And as yerfeft Goodnefs , and Active-Power caufeth Mien, and wifdom and Government caufeth the nexefulanldn 0n aurówn Order and Rectitude of a&ion, and Love and Góodneß the Perfectionof ït beatitude with that of and the agent ; fo Gods Vital,Power, wifdom and Goodneß, are equal, kdalV fionA(a 1-1, not which are the Principles ofall : As the Father, Son and Spirit are coequal : Love) to be the [icon- And God is indeed glorious in theMotion of Sun and Stars, b c, as well as dory final objcft ofall. in the wifdom and Holinefiof man. But betidesthe forefaidfuitableneß, By ]eciat Grace, [Dine this difference muff beconfidered, that as Life, Intellect and will, Power, mean tssodifttn8 thins, wifdom andGoodnefs, are Inadequate conceptions ofOne God, fo all toge- a .d hotOur ioveno o ther are a more perfe& expreffion of him, than one of them alone. Now andalts, or an Inchnan- in all thele the former is 1äll implyed in the latter, as to the very fenfe of on to than. 2. Gods the word, but not contrarily. Power Both not ahvay lignifie wifdom or paeon ofus,'and notas Lave ; but wifdom fignifieth the wifdom of one Potent, including power, relating to die Glory (for there isPotentia Intellecliva. And Tudor Love include Power andAtt. `°hick he will give ur i föthat the frA they call So Action may bewithout ORDER or Reótitude, and Perfection; but die sabir óf Grace, oa theorder andperfection of Acis, include or fuppofe the Ads. ensue gnatit.u, Ac. and 8. It is therefore the glory of Gods S I ENT I A L work of fanal nature ofGrat ee Government which. eminently fhineth forth in the communications of viz. vamps Deo grati- Grace by theSpirit of Chrift: But not that Government which was fitted 1,vaera.5 de A,ax.ndi1. a ,S6 to the {late of Innocency ; but that which (lands nearer'to the End, as p. 2,ç. fGeatiam gorz moredemonftrating Love, and tending more effe/uall to it. n ellegraua, (& finir!- b b y rar chavira, in elle char!- .9. Therefore itis much to be noted that all this frame of Grace as talo,)nihil aliad e!gnaw tending to Glory, is- pfually called in Scripture, The Kingdom of God, and quad par ittam aec:prarar The Kingdom of Heaven Mátth r e. which containeth the whole ] By whirls de- n f o á.45s an.] tdhidt he de- frame of Political Order and.Government, ciaedt thegue(tioa,wne- . o. This Kingdom is the Rateof Relation betweenGod and theMe- ;riser Grace yremifsty be diator as theHead or Ruler, and Man as theSubject, as he is to be guided"or only by encoure alts, by Grace to Glory. God who is Phyfically neither Pars nor Tótrim ma- Easing that [ r. troua in e e gratta, ér fami!itar kith himfelf here asit were aRelative Part, being d fupreamHead ; and chariru in e/Te eharttata the Mediator the fupream official Head, or general Adminiftrator : who itaum argenter, edamper bath under him a courfe of Political means for the accom líf !ment of this ari¡o rendffos ( that ss; p We are made more ac- his work. ceptablc to God , for . r r. As Chrift himfelf is the Head Means orfecond CáuCe, fo under greatn glory ) Butaua- him are Prophets and Apoftles, eminently qualified to make them fit to tif in elle Habitas, quod do this work foas tendeth to fuerets, ham meterte per atlas re- - mils, dabiter poPoea ici prima inftanti glorifrsatioa Í2. Thefe nix.] And it fécass that,