Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

a4 Of Cod's gracious Operations on Man's Soul: fo they fometimes take cbaritar too, both for the Habit and A t ofour Love.. and for our Ama- bilityorDearnefs toGod. Now thi>is ill done: For thefe equivocal words fignifiethefe, not as one, but astwodiftìnet things: Amor dr. Amabilitaa or Dearnefs are two things : Though Lovebe materi- ally our Lovelìnefs, yet not formally, the latter being an objeaive rela- ,tion refulting from the former. a. 12. Thefe Prophets and Apoftles were endued with that fpecial in. fallible Spirit, by which they certainly deliveredChtifts doéìrine and aEti- tins, and faithfullydifcharged all their truft. 0..13. Theyhad the power of working Miracles many wayes to confirm their doEtrine as the Truth of God. ( Befides chrifhsMiracles.) 14. The Scriptures are Gods Record, which they left us to be the continual (landing lignifierofhis will. ?. 15. In thefe Scriptures arehis Doc`triuc to teach, hisprecepts to make duty and oblige, and forbid Gn ( by prohibition;) his own and fervants, examples to move ; his threatnings to drive; his promifesto d:aw,formed into á Covenant, ftiongly to engage ; the Records alfo of hisjudgements and Mercies upon others, that they might every way be fitted to their fan- s lifyingde. p. 16. He bath alfo inftituted his sacraments by which the mutual Covenant mightbe celebrated the moré obligingly for its effeóls. . 17. He hath appointed his ordinary Minifters as his Handing offi- cers through all generations to preach this noorá; And he endoweth them with fpecial gifts thereto ; and charged.) them vehemently to preach in feáfon andout offeafon, with urgency and importunity, even to all mankind; 2Tim. 4. 1, z. Mat. 28.19, 20. whatever it colt them, and whatever they undergoes . 18. Hehathappointed alto Práyer as his Means to Obtain Grace by preparing the heart to a due receptivity ; by the excitation of delres af- ter it : And Praife and Thanksgiving to fweeten it tò us in the review when we have received it. 1t. 19. He bath commanded exercifesof humiliation; confe on, bringing döwnthe body, to fit us to receive it by a due fenfe of our fins, unwor- thinefsand wants. *.2o. He hath appointed the publick affembling of his fervants, that concurfe might augment the Sacred flame, in the performance of all this Sacred work. ?) 21. He hath inftitutedthe Lords day, tobe wholly employed in fuch works and helps, that it be not negledled and lightly done. 22. He hath commanded every private chriHian to be a helper to, others,by conference, exhortation, andgoodexample. ?. 23. He hath madePafloral difcipline a great ordinance to promote thedue performance of all the re(t. 24. He bath commanded us by ferret Meditation, Confideration, Examination, bye. to preach to our felves, and night and day to think on Scripture, God, Chrifl, Glory, be. and to stir up all Gods graces in out felves, and to reprove our felves for all our fins. 0. 25. He bath made it thedutyof Parents to teach their Children di- ligentlyhis word, lying down and riling up, at home and abroad, Deut. 6. & II. and toeducate them in the nurtureand admonition of the Lord, ha- vingbound them firftinCovenant to God and the Mediator. a6. He bathmade it thedutyof husband andwife to help each other herein, and of mallets to help their fervants, and all relations to fanftifie their places and opportunities to this ufe. 0:27. He doth .bymultitudes of mercies and deliverances further all this work, tomakeknown themore his Love to win thehearts of men. 1), 28. He greatly promoteth it alfo by feafonable afiLions, to humble the proud, and awake the fleepy. . z9. 1:=